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Re: [eclipselink-users] Help with static weaving on OC4J seeing ._toplink_setmyColumn

Thanks for your help Chris.

So I'm trying to use Eclipselink as my provider and have been banging
my head against the wall all day. I can't for the life of me get OC4J
to deploy my app if I specifically tell it that EclipseLink is the
persistence provider.

It will fail with ClassLoader issues, I followed the wiki and set up
the shared lib both ways, once with it's own, then overriding the
oracle.persistence system library.

Here's the error I get when oc4j tries to deploy the PU.

Depoloyment of PersistenceUnit [myModel] failed.

Internal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ClassLoader
"myapp.web:0.0.1" (from (web-module) in ...path): This loader has been
closed and should not be in use.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Christopher Delahunt
<christopher.delahunt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm not sure your options are correct.
> The problem you are encountering is that you have specified that the jar
> uses static weaving, but it has not been statically woven for TopLink
> Essentials.  So the options are:
> 1) Use EclipseLink, but you will need to add the EclipseLink.jar as a shared
> library or add it to the Ear, and change the persistence.xml so that it
> references it as the provider via the
>   <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider> tag.
> With this, you can then use dynamic weaving or static weaving (be sure your
> jar is statically woven though)
> 2) Use TopLink Essentials.  Either change the persistence.xml so that it
> uses dynamic weaving, or statically weave your jar.
> There is a demo showing EclipseLink being used in OC4J at:
> Best Regards,
> Chris
> On 02/07/2010 2:08 PM, Tim Hollosy wrote:
> Ah, I think that's the issue. I was never actually _using_ static
> weaving in the past. So when I was deploying since I had
> eclipselink.jar in my WEB-INF/lib directory. Eclipselink was still
> used, but now that eclipselink needs to use the weaved classes that
> must happen at some deeper level.  So OC4J is trying to use toplink
> essentials instead.
> So my options are:
> -Don't weave (bad because all this eager fetching will kill me).
> -Replace toplink with eclipselink on the server (bad because i have to
> convince sysadmins to change something!)
> ./tch
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Christopher Delahunt
> <christopher.delahunt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> If it is looking for a _toplink_methodName, then it is using TopLink
> Essentials as the persistence provider rather than EclipseLink.  Have you
> specified the provider name in your persistence.xml or are you relying on
> the default?
> TopLink Essentials was the default JPA provider in 10g OC4J releases.
> Best Regards,
> Chris
> On 02/07/2010 12:48 PM, Tim Hollosy wrote:
> I have some statically weaved classes that are having issues when
> deployed to my OC4J server. It's working fine in Jetty.
> I'm seeing errors like: java.lang.NoSuchMethoderror:
> The only thing I've changed was using lazy fetching, I could use some
> help from the oracle guys debugging. My first thought is that I have a
> bad library on the system and it's trying to use some toplink stuff
> instead of the correct eclipselink.jar in my WEB-INF/lib. I'm using
> OC4J and Eclipselink 2.
> I have the eclipselink.weaving property set to static.
> Any direction on how to debug this would be helpful.
> Thanks
> ./tch
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