On Wed, 22 Jan 2020 at 20:15, Jan Baeyens <jan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I was hoping for more responses. I guess I'm the only Jantje on
the maillist ;-)
See my comments below
Jantje and not Jan please :-D
Sorry Jante.
Op 20/01/2020 om 19:52 schreef Jonah
(I changed the subject because Jan brings up lots
of important stuff that extends far beyond LLVM/clang
Your observations are all very accurate. In particular the
lack of sensible/easy instantiation of the build model. This
is an area that many people have spoken about recently, now
the challenge is how to move forward. I think in the Eclipse
Ecosystem such a build model should be represented in EMF
models. Alexander Federov and William Riley have both been
making some discussions in that regard.
I agree on the fact that the toolchain description should be a
model. That is how I visualize it myself
The components on the model I currently see are files,
filters,grouping, tools, states. However: The current extension points solution has the feature of
options in the project properties. I can't recall how it works
exactly but this is something I do not want to loose.
One could consider describing the options at the tool level as an
extension point referenced by the model. However this would mean
that a extension point needs to be instantiated for each tool, which
is probably not wanted. Also, in Arduino world the
build/compile/archive/link options are locked and decided on by the
build options provided by the framework which are completely
different from the gnu compile options. So I don't think having a
tool extension point will work for that.
I have no experience with emf modelling so I don't know it is
capable enough. I also have no experience getting this in java
classes. Help will be needed if we go this way. Learning EMF is now
on my todo :-)
Is there some doc from the discussion from Alexander Federov and
William Riley?
@William - can you share your current state?
@Alexander - do you have some guidance based on your past experiences that you can share?
The good makefiles is an interesting point - do other tools
such and Meson and CMake make "good makefiles"?
Does CMake make makefiles? I have no clue. I'm wondering myself.
That is why I request input. Personally I think it is a waste of
resource because I think people who can write makefiles will want to
write them themselves. People who can't write makefiles fluently
just want to build. I think they don't even care whether it is make,
cmake, internal builder.
And as to deploy (as was mentioned in one of the links you shared)
... I don't think we are up to that yet.
At one point Eclipse CDT folk implemented a new builder
that (essentially) reimplements Make called the Internal
From where CDT is/was, that seems pretty logic to me. I wanted to
use that with Sloeber so I only had to provide the tools of the
toolchain and didn't need to provide a make.exe. However I never got
it to work. One of the biggest pro's is that you would use the same
make on all oses.
What we need is a way forward - and I don't think anyone is
excited about evolving as opposed to replacing the
existing Managed Make / GNU Makefile Generator code. The
current code is very brittle, used by lots and lots of
extenders so any change, even small requires a very large
amount of work to decide if it is safe. However perhaps I am
wrong about this and I should be convinced otherwise.
As I already said: I like the extension point stuff. But (and this
is new) there is quite a lot of makefile contamination in there.
And I do not like you can't use outputs from tool A as input for
tool B.
This is one of the challenges - the current code has a general source inputs to one output executable. Anything else is bolted on and was not really in scope of the original implementation IIUC.
And I only got sloeber to work due to the makefile contamination :-s
After having looked at the problem domain and the current
implementations seriously -with evolving on my mind- I think
evolving is not feasible
So I'm currently looking for the good and bad things of the managed
make and I hope we can leave the bad things behind (but not what we
learned) and implement the good things in something new.
To answer your questions:
1)Inside the broad CDT world. Does anyone know of other
build models like described in the Managed Build System
Extensibility Document in the eclipse help->CDT-plugin
developer guide->programmers guide->CDT DOM?
I don't know of other build models - in the broad CDT world
AFAIK almost everyone either uses MBS or has custom Makefiles
or other tools to manage build settings.
I thought autotools was something like that and wasn't there a
autotools component in CDT?
There is an autotools component in CDT. It uses MBS too as does the non-Managed Makefile support. Of course both of them don't use Eclipse's GNUMakefileGenerator
2)Did you ever build a build model based on "Managed Build
System Extensibility Document" or others? Can you share your
Yes, the build model is what you are using in Sleober :-)
Sorry for the confusion. I'm looking for input on what a managed
build system should look like for people willing to "design
toolchains" or input for external build tools. This is also why I
asked Martin in the Cmake support thread. Basically I'm looking for
user requirements.
3)Suppose I build a buildmodel instantiator (and a makefile
generator for testing) does anyone think someone will use it?
This is an area that I cannot answer. I think having a good
instantiation of the build model that is easier to use than
what we have today would be nice. But as I outlined above, I
think that the development effort may best be spent on a step
change to new technologies.
Thinking about this again I don't think there will be many users. If
we build a good internal builder on top of this....there will be
even less.
This makes me doubt about EMF being a good way to go. Seems like
overkill when taking the little usage I see into account.
Who sees usage opportunities?
4)Could this buildmodel instantiator become part of CDT?
Yes it absolutely can if it is a testable unit of code. If
it is useful to you it will probably be useful to others.
off-course it must be testable. Sloeber runs several thousands of
functional test before releasing. I'm all for testing
My current thinking is that the main module should take a (
targetPath, project files,project,buildModel) and produce a
instantiated build model that should be serializable which should
be consistent in output. I guess you guys know how to setup a
project for testing, I don't.
I have lots of second thoughts about the targetpath, project
files and the project. It is just very first thinking and I
want to list the important things (I am not talking api right
now). From my experiences with gnuMakeFile I want the project
in all api calls. I needed to overload and cast the name
providers to add the project to be able to read environment
variables. So I know that technically the targetPath and the project
files can and should be taken from the project, what I try to
express is that even if you have those you'll still need the
project to call the name providers and to get build options.
Thanks Jan for re-starting this discussion here. There have
been lots of discussions on these issues in the past, on the
mailing list and some written down in the Wiki*. What is
needed is someone to lead this effort and a real commitment of
development resources to make it happen.
If you have resources, feel free to assign them :-) until then I
fear you will have to deal with me rofl :-)
I think I'll start with the EMF study and design following
Library (debug/release)
executable (debug /release)
Arduino Please add as crazy as possible ideas
That will be a first go/no go reflection moment
Then I'll try to implement a basic instantiated build model maker
and a makefile maker.
This will be a second go/no go reflection moment.
As I'm not a java developer and I'm not a cdt contributor and I'm
doing this to get it into CDT I would like someone who knows the
eclipse/CDT way to have a look from time to time (candidates
please speak up).
I don't yet know how I will handle version control and sharing
though (ideas please).
* I have been reviewing all the Wiki pages. Some pages that
I have looked at on this topic are:
On Sat, 18 Jan 2020 at
08:51, Jan Baeyens <jan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm happy to there is lots of attention for the managed
build capability of CDT right now :-).
I have been playing with the gnu makefile generator for
some years now and I have been impressed with the
capabilities provided by the extension points (called
build model below).
I realize I only understand a very small portion of the
problem domain. For instance I don't know cMake, LLVM,
LLVM-GCC, LLVM + JIT... but I also feel I can
What I do know is this; Whatever tool you use to build,
you will always have to combine source code files with
commands (executable and parameters).
The way to combine (and the commands) can be very easy
or very complex.
When I look at the gnu makefile generator I think the
build model is a very good basis to describe "how to
combine source code files with commands".
If I look at the implementation of the gnu makefile
generator I see 3 problematic design decisions:
1)No instantiation of the build model.
2)Trying to make "good makefiles"
3)Working with strings
I would like to sell the lack of "instantiation of
the build model" as a current weakness in CDT and the
addition of a "instantiation of the build model" as
the solution.
And please see my questions below.
1)No instantiation of the build model.
Suppose I have the super simple build model
convert each *.c to *.o with the command g++ -o {output}
convert all *.o to {project}.exe with the command link
{inputs} {output}
With a project myExample, containing the files input.c
and test.c;
A instantiation of the build model would look like
My thinking is that with this instantiation of the
build model one can easily
1) make a makefile
2) run the commands
3) make a cmake file
Even though gnuMakefileGenrator does all this work; it
doesn't instantiate the build model in any way, the code
goes from build model directly to makefile in pieces. If we could agree on a data model for the
instantiation of the build model we could avoid lots
of duplication and have a great addition to CDT.
2)Trying to make "good makefiles"
The second problem I see with gnuMakefileGenerator is
that it tries to generate good makefiles. Hints to this
1)The possibility to not expand environment variables in
the makefile
2)When using nameproviders the makefile becomes
completely different
Though it is noble to make readable/maintainable
makefiles, it also requires lots of extra resources
(like testing) and a high level of knowledge about
makefiles for future maintainers.
Using only one "type" of makefiles one can easily
1)amount of code
2)amount of tests
3)amount of training
3)Working with strings
The code is all based around strings and doesn't use
classes for files and so on. I don't think this is due
to lack of skill but a simple consequence of the design
decisions I already mentioned.
This however adds to the maintenance nightmare.
My questions
My fingers want to tackle this problem but to avoid
needless work I feel it is important for me to have a
better understanding of how this fits into the cdt
community. As such I have following questions.
1)Inside the broad CDT world. Does anyone know of other
build models like described in the Managed Build System
Extensibility Document in the eclipse
help->CDT-plugin developer guide->programmers
guide->CDT DOM?
2)Did you ever build a build model based on "Managed
Build System Extensibility Document" or others? Can you
share your experiences/thoughts?
3)Suppose I build a buildmodel instantiator (and a
makefile generator for testing) does anyone think
someone will use it?
4)Could this buildmodel instantiator become part of CDT?
Best regards
Op 18/01/2020 om 4:50 schreef Marc-Andre Laperle:
From what I remember, the intention of the preference
page was to be able to add the system headers which a
prebuilt clang did not know about at all and you had to
specify manually. This preference page would be global
to all projects and configurations. But this is not the
way normally managed build projects are configured. In
fact, it did this global setting by adding the include
paths to every projects and every configuration, before
every build and regardless of the toolchain! Also,
post-build it would always do a full workspace refresh
which I had to comment out because people were
complaining quickly that Eclipse was unusable while this
plugin was installed.
In the midst of the enthusiasm of having LLVM
support, I don’t think this plugin was fully tested or
thoroughly reviewed because there were/are glaring
issues. I personally ended up using the GCC toolchain
and just replacing the command with clang and clang++
which worked fine (especially once many OS/distros had
a prebuilt clang fully configured with system paths,
etc) so the motivation of fixing the LLVM toolchain
was/is low. Still, I think it would be a nice project
to go back and clean up the LLVM plugin (…or remove
it). A first obvious clean-up would be to remove the
preference page and any concept of global include path
and libs. Another step would be to remove the many
tools and toolchain that I don’t believe people use or
are still maintained (LLVM-GCC, LLVM + JIT, etc). Then
there is general code clean-up (there shouldn’t be
obvious comment for every line).
In my new role as CDT project lead there
are a number of areas that I am simply not
familiar with (yet!) and this is one of
I can try to provide some background, and
I will be very happy to review any patches
you provide!
To answer some of your questions:
The LLVM plug-ins were added in Bug 338553 and
haven't changed much since then in the
particular area of the code you have
From a quick look at this it seems there
is a confusion in this code between settings
passed to the LLVM compiler and those passed
to the CDT indexer and which tool is "in
charge". In simple cases that difference
probably doesn't matter, but it clearly
quickly goes wrong (the case in Bug 527757 is
particularly obviously bad).
> - Is there any (high level) design
documentation available for the LLVM
managedbuilder stuff? Or for GCC?
Have a look at https://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/designs/MBS it
contains design documentation for when
managed build was first added and has a
number of links that may be useful.
> - Why is there a CDT LLVM preference
page? What is/was it's purpose?
I don't know. There may be answers in
the Petri's thesis, but the link to it is
dead (see comment).
> There is no such page for GCC?
Because it probably shouldn't exist for
LLVM either?
> - I cannot find UI for LLVM/Clang
project properties. Can someone
enlighten me?
> - The same for the GCC project
It is in the Project Properties ->
C/C++ Build -> Settings. (see attached
file to confirm we are talking about the
same thing)
Thank you for taking the time to look at
this. There is certainly a lot of little
bits needed to get a C++ Managed Build
project to "just work" and I look forward to
supporting you where I can.
My immediate personal problem is solved by
placing a comment on line 62
of LlvmResourceListener.java to prevent
LlvmPreferenceStore.addStdLibUnix() being
I suspect that the same should be done on
line 59 but I have no Windows
with MinGW to test it with.