Dear Dr. Slotosch
Thanks for your hints. We will consider providing a qualification kit that will help the users.
Though our first choice would be to go with the WP5 concept, we will consider other qualification methods ( Validation or Process evaluation).
Best Regards,
From: auto-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:auto-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Oscar Slotosch
Sent: Tuesday, 19. February 2013 12:49 PM
To: Automotive Industry Working Group
Subject: Re: [auto-iwg] An update on iCTeam, the OSEE based Automotive ALM solution
Hello Jyothi,
Thank you for the information.
TCL1 means that you have requirements to the user to follow such that all
potential errors of the tool can be detected or avoided.
Did you ever made an analysis what these extra effort would costs the user,
compared to the costs for qualifying the corresponding functions of your tool?
I know users that prefer spending money for qualification kits rather than
extending their development processes by those potential error checks since
this is much cheaper for them.
Since the ISO 26262 provides also other qualification methods than the development according to a
safety standard (which we are following in WP5 for Eclipse plugins), you could also apply them now
to build a qualification kit for your tool (without waiting for the qualification of Eclipse is enabled).
Of course we would be happy if you could contribute to the roadmap of Eclipse qualification,
e.g. by identifying and analyzing some important features of Eclipse you are using for your tool.
Kind regards,
Oscar Slotosch
Validas AG
Dr. Oscar Slotosch
fon: +49 (0) 89 / 53 88 669-11
fax: +49 (0) 89 / 53 88 669-10
Validas AG
Firmensitz: Arnulfstr. 27, D-80335 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München HRB 131653
Vorstand: Dr. Oscar Slotosch (Vorsitzender), Dr. Peter Braun, Jan Philipps
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Broy
Dear Dr. Slotosch
The current version of iCTeam is classified at TCL1. Qualification is not needed.
By the way, we are following the WP5 closely and we are keen to adopt the Eclipse plug-in qualification concept.
Hello Jyothi
Thank you for this information on the new platform.
Can you elaborate on “As per ISO 26262 classification, iCTeam has the required Tool Confidence Level for development of safety related software of upto ASIL-D”?
Is this TCL 1, TCL2 or TCL3? And in case of TCL>1 which qualification method did you apply?
Kind regards,
Oscar Slotosch
Validas AG
Dr. Oscar Slotosch
fon: +49 (0) 89 / 53 88 669-11
fax: +49 (0) 89 / 53 88 669-10
Validas AG
Firmensitz: Arnulfstr. 27, D-80335 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München HRB 131653
Vorstand: Dr. Oscar Slotosch (Vorsitzender), Dr. Peter Braun, Jan Philipps
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Broy
iCTeam, the ALM solution based on OSEE has some interesting additions and has matured as a platform for automotive software development.
Product management is enhanced with Feature modeling to provide complete support for Variant management.
Release management of product lines and products is better managed.
A graphical dependency viewer of SW components is included.
Powered by RAP and Tabris, iCTeam will now be able to serve web clients and hand-held device clients.
As per ISO 26262 classification, iCTeam has the required Tool Confidence Level for development of safety related software of upto ASIL-D.
Support to share requirements and test cases across OEMs and suppliers based on ASAM standards are being included.
Complete lifecycle support for developing AUTOSAR compliant software are planned.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend the ALM Connect session at the EclipseCon 2013 next month.
Along with the OSEE project leader, we plan to share details of how this ALM supports software development in Aerospace and Automotive industries.
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Ltd
RBEI/EMT - Engineering Services - Methods and Tools
From: Jyothi G S (RBEI/EMT)
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 10:34 AM
To: Automotive Industry Working Group
Subject: RE: An update on OSEE, the Eclipse-based ALM solution
The Eclipse-based ALM solution OSEE has some interesting enhancements added over the last few months !
OSLC Specification based tool interfaces : OSLC Connector for DOORS
Using this connector, DOORS requirement links can be created in OSEE and the same can be linked to other OSEE artifacts and workflows
thereby providing RDCT traceability. The implementation is based on OSLC specification. ( compatible with DOORS 9.4 DWA 1.5)
OSEE is well on its way to being Web-enabled !
The OSEE server is being enhanced to serve web based clients.
REST based protocols & the Vaadin framework are employed to web-enable OSEE.
Alignment with the AUTO IWG WP1 : Eclipse Automotive Tool Platform
The OSEE version ( 0.10.3) scheduled for release this week is compatible with eclipse Juno version.
This is in line with the Auto IWG WP1 : Eclipse Automotive Tool Platform.
Project Management Modules
Reports like Burn Down charts to track progress of projects, Distribution charts (workflows based on components) and
Efficiency charts (between teams) are included.
iCTeam enhancements for Automotive Embedded Software development
In the meantime, iCTeam ( the OSEE based Automotive ALM solution from Bosch India ) also has some interesting enhancements !
Tooling support for Automotive ECU software development in the areas of Matlab-Simulink traceability, Continuous integration,
development of AUTOSAR conformant ECU software, Calibration data management, Collaboration features for virtual teams,
data exchange based on ReqIF standard…… are included.
Do visit the Bosch Stall at the EclipseCon Europe 2012 in Ludwigsburg for a demonstration !
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Ltd
RBEI/EMT - Engineering Services - Methods and Tools