User dashboard

The user dashboard is the landing page of Eclipse Che. Che users browse the user dashboard to access and manage their workspaces. It is a React application. The Che deployment starts it in the che-dashboard Deployment.

It needs access to:

User dashboard interactions with other components
Figure 1. User dashboard interactions with other components

When the user requests the user dashboard to start a workspace, the user dashboard executes this sequence of actions:

  1. Collects the devfile from the Devfile registries, when the user is creating a workspace from a code sample.

  2. Sends the repository URL to Che server and expects a devfile in return, when the user is creating a workspace from a remote devfile.

  3. Reads the devfile describing the workspace.

  4. Collects the additional metadata from the Plugin registry.

  5. Converts the information into a DevWorkspace Custom Resource.

  6. Creates the DevWorkspace Custom Resource in the user namespace using the Kubernetes API.

  7. Watches the DevWorkspace Custom Resource status.

  8. Redirects the user to the running workspace IDE.