Features of OpenShift Connector

The OpenShift Connector plugin enables the user create, deploy, and push OpenShift Components to an OpenShift Cluster in a GUI.

When used in Che, the OpenShift Connector GUI provides the following benefits to its users:

Cluster management
  • Logging in to clusters using:

    • Authentication tokens

    • Username and password

    • Auto-login feature when Che is authenticated with the OpenShift OAuth service

  • Switching contexts between different .kube/config entries directly from the extension view.

  • Viewing and managing OpenShift resources as build and deployment. configurations from the Explorer view.

  • Connecting to a local or hosted OpenShift cluster directly from Che.

  • Quickly updating the cluster with your changes.

  • Creating Components, Services, and Routes on the connected cluster.

  • Adding storage directly to a component from the extension itself.

  • Deploying to OpenShift clusters with a single click directly from Che.

  • Navigating to the multiple Routes, created to access the deployed application.

  • Deploying multiple interlinked Components and Services directly on the cluster.

  • Pushing and watching component changes from the Che IDE.

  • Streaming logs directly on the integrated terminal view of Che.

  • Working with OpenShift resources directly from the Che IDE.

  • Starting and resuming build and deployment configurations.

  • Viewing and following logs for deployments, Pods, and containers.