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Re: [platform-dev] New vscode light theme for eclipse

  > Can you please detail what are those things?

Usually I work a considerable amount in the debug perspective,
inspecting many different files, libraries, having outlines and type
hierarchies and looking at log outputs with hundred of projects.

This would still be possible, the debug perspective button is on the left column, and you'd get the usual 4 tabfolders.
Also the Git Stagin is something I have enabled for each and every
perspective I use, in some rare cases I maximize a view but most of the
time there are multiple ones that are important to me.

The proposal doesn't prevent that, it's really only about hiding/moving some coolbars and changing colors. The perspective things remain preent and usable. You could already do it yourself in your workbench: move the perspective switch, the run buttons, hide toolbar, make fullscreen and you get most of what Gayan's screenshot shows, except the colors. 

So having just one code editor and nothing else beside some collapsed
projects is something you will almost never see on my screen if I'm not
trying to came up with the most minimal reproducer in a workspace I have
just created right now.

This is not what the proposal is about.

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