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Re: [platform-dev] New vscode light theme for eclipse

Maybe it would be usefull to enhance the readmy with some more context infos so other peoples beside you and mickael can get what this is all about?

All I can see is a screenshot which seems to collapse some things to the bottom in contrast to the usual left right?

Maybe even some "before versus after" with a little explanation why it is "better" or what are the problems it solve?

But maybe it is also just me being confused because I'm not up-to-date with all these fancy dark/light/VS vs Idea vs Eclipse/whatever theme things which are seem to be a "must-have" today to write some lines of code :-)

Am 29.05.22 um 21:32 schrieb Gayan Perera:
Hi all,

I was asked by Mickael Istria to share this plugin which I worked on to bring vscode light theme styles into Eclipse IDE. Please let me know what you think about it and if it is a good idea to make it part of the default themes Eclipse provides. It's still in early stages, I have only tests on MacOS only and on Windows soon. The syntaxes are only updated for Java. <>

Best regards,

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