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Re: [platform-dev] New vscode light theme for eclipse

As I said, I might be a bit old-school ;-)

> We're actually discussing all that. And personal preferences do matter

Yeah that's why I said, it might be good to enhance the readme, so stoic people like me get a better impression what might improve their current flow :-) Also it would make it easier to elaborate possible alternatives (or: opinions) on that topic and capture current state.

> So please argue why this would then make Eclipse not working.

I don't said eclipse (!) is not working (anymore) just that my focus is getting my(!) work done and for that I don't need a cool icon, the IDE must not look "fancy" (or "hype"?) I need (in decreasing order):

- it should work reliable
- it should work fast (not always the case with eclipse...)
- it should be flexible, e.g. customize my UI, help me solve my issues (eclipse is quite good)

but if it all works reliable, fast and flexible I really don't care if it looks like 90's (would love to see only 'cosmetic' issues on github...)

> Can you please detail what are those things?

Usually I work a considerable amount in the debug perspective, inspecting many different files, libraries, having outlines and type hierarchies and looking at log outputs with hundred of projects. Also the Git Stagin is something I have enabled for each and every perspective I use, in some rare cases I maximize a view but most of the time there are multiple ones that are important to me.

So having just one code editor and nothing else beside some collapsed projects is something you will almost never see on my screen if I'm not trying to came up with the most minimal reproducer in a workspace I have just created right now.

Am 30.05.22 um 10:23 schrieb Mickael Istria:

On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 10:15 AM Christoph Läubrich <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

      > * some "hype" colors

    ?? Searching for "hype" colors gives me some strange results about
    make-up vendors :-D

Well hype==VSCode in the IDE world.
But we all know VSCode is also a lot of make up over a traditional workbench, so you weren't that far ;)

    Don't get me wrong but what are the stuff in the edges then?

Perspective and view shortcuts.

    By the way,  Eclipse do not uses toolbars but 'coolbars' already,
    but does it change
    anything if we do not call them "toolbar" anymore?

The menu still says "Show/Hide Toolbar", we're talking about the top toolbar here, with many buttons in it.

    Whats the point of this? Do I need to learn all 18.058 Shortcuts in the
    future to use Eclipse?

Or use Ctrl+3. Just like people who use VSCode do happily use Ctrl+P.

       > * Moved run shortcuts to the bottom

    Whats the advantage of this, beside that it collides with usual Os
    (windows / linux) task bar now?

Not really an advantage, more noticeable a side-effect of toolbar removal.

       > * persective switcher collapsed on the left

    Seems like a personal preference or is there any advantage?

We're actually discussing all that. And personal preferences do matter, but the opportunity is to ship here something disrupting that in the end most people are likely to prefer because it looks lighter/fresher. Having preferences on the left (or somewhere else) allows to remove them from toolbar and hide toolbars without loosing perspective switch. It's the current convention in VSCode, Theia, (upcoming) IntelliJ...

      > -IMO- without loosing any usability (once users have learned about

    I think this is arguable, I need Eclipse to *work* I don't need it to
    look great on a screenshot in the web...

So please argue why this would then make Eclipse not working.

    So from that screenshot, I'm missing most of the stuff I need to work

Can you please detail what are those things?

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