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cross-project-issues-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Did I mess up our procedure for Neon? With respect to declaring, and enablement, and our "list of participants"?, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Sirius participating in Neon, Pierre-Charles David
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] CBI Maven plugins 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT, Mikael Barbero
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] PDT participation in Neon, Dawid Pakuła
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Update of /shared/common/apache-maven-latest, Mikael Barbero
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Make sure that you sign with Java 8 if you are building and packing with Java 8, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Sapphire is participating in Neon, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Belated heads-up, if you use Tycho, and the tycho-eclipserun-plugin and want to move to M2, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] What has the Planning Council done now?, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] An apology to some, and a request to all ... please keep b3aggrcon files up to date., David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] UML2 Participating in Neon, Kenn Hussey
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Release notes for Mars.1, Matthias Sohn
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Upcoming Changes to Mars.1 Error Report Digests, Marcel Bruch
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Git doesn't work with IOException: End of IO Stream Read, Alexander Gurov
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Neon Milestone 2 (M2) is available, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Mars.1 Update Release is available, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] No Neon M2 for WTP, Vaninder K Rajput
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Neon M2 staging repository is complete, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] 4.6M2 S-build: Download failure for on Hudson only, David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Object Teams disabled for Neon M2, Stephan Herrmann
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Git outage?, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Anyone (still) using BCEL?, Stephan Herrmann
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] WTP will miss its +2 deadline for Neon M2, Vaninder K Rajput
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Mars.1 re-spin repository is complete., David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Announcing a one week slip in the Mars.1 release (from 9/25 to 10/2), David M Williams
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] A speaking spot available for tomorrows Eclipse Foundation member meeting, Andrew Ross
  • [cross-project-issues-dev] Eclipse Mars 1 RC4 issue with Buildship / workspace prompt, Etienne Studer

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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