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Re: [wakaama-dev] (no subject)

Thank you so much. I understand that's a problem related to Wakaama's shell. Can you give me an advice on another constrained device where I can read data from a sensor and run a Wakaama client to send those data?


2017-06-21 14:01 GMT+02:00 David Fernández Ros <davidfr@xxxxxxx>:
Hi Giuseppe,

2017-06-21 12:47 GMT+02:00 Giuseppe Sofo <momomaliano@xxxxxxxxx>:
I run the client with the following command:
./lwm2client -4 -h "server IP" -n arduino_yun < command_file.txt
where command_file.txt is the file where i put commands such as "change /3/0/9 50". But I get the message showed in attached image.

I don't have expertise using the wakaama shell and don't see the problem here. From my point of view seems a LwM2M Client connecting to '' server and receiveing a correct 'location' (handle of a registration).

I have another problem. I'm trying to run the client by sketch using Arduino Yun's bridge libraries. So, the client connetcs using the command runShellCommandAsynchronously, but, after, when I send command using println (like that Process.println("change /3/0/9 50"), nothing happens.
This problem is enough famous on web: in particular it is known by who use Wakaama through bridge libraries.

That problem was presented as future work in the slides. I didn't go deeper on this problem but seems that the problem is the wakaama shell which due to the implementation doesn't have enough performance the receive the bytes through the bridge.


Can you help me?

2017-06-21 9:49 GMT+02:00 David Fernández Ros <davidfr@xxxxxxx>:
Hi Giuseppe,

Maybe the scripts are out of date compared with the current wakaama implementation. Try adding new compilation flags such as 'LWM2M_CLIENT_MODE' after line 88 in '1.prepareCompilation' script:

echo "add_definitions(-DLWM2M_CLIENT_MODE)" >> wakaama/examples/arduinoyunclient/CMakeLists.txt"

Best regards,

2017-06-20 18:47 GMT+02:00 Giuseppe Sofo <momomaliano@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi, I'm Giuseppe from Italy
and I'm working on a project about Wakaama and its usage on embedded device.

I'm trying to setup a connection beetween a Wakaama client on an Arduino Yun device (installed using WakaamaCCTools provided here and a Wakaama server compiled on Ubuntu 17.04. While the server is running correctly, when i try to start a connection from the client (connecting to Arduino with SSH) I get the following error:

I have tried to install a client on Ubuntu and that one works fine with the server on the same machine.
I'm using ipv4 on both side. 
Can you help me to find a solution to connect the client on Arduino?

Giuseppe Sofo

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