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[udig-devel] Create the uDig project

Morning Wayne, digging up an old email as we seem to have gotten stuck

As I understand it the team is now filling in all the paper work and should gradually get access to LocationTech facilities. We know we are the first team in and expect a rough ride :-)

Just going to focus on this last task for a moment Wayne, and ensure we get organised on the email list.
3) When the project gets created, the webmaster will provision the necessary resources. Before anything can be checked in, the project's code is going to have to be reviewed by the IP team. We can start that process now so that we can hit the ground running when the provisioning happens.

To review the initial contribution code, the IP team needs it zipped up in an archive. The archive should contain project code only (i.e. the code that you intend to maintain at with no nested archives).

Third party libraries used by the project need to be captured as well. Again, we can start this in parallel. Do you have a listing of third-party libraries required by uDig? (note that we don't consider code to be third-party in this context). We'll need to have the names and versions of each library (we do IP due diligence on a version-by-version basis), along with licenses, source, and links to the providers. I can help you hunt this information down.
So we can zip up our code at any point in time, indeed there is a "ZIP" button in github which can be used right now.

1. Open
2. Click on "Zip" to download

By the same token the list of third-party-libraries is captured:

- As Maven dependencies in pom.xml files, mvn dependency:tree will produce the complete list (see )
- As about.html files at the plugin level (see ) .This is in keeping with eclipse plugin branding guidelines, and the resulting in formation is accessible in the running application through the application "About" dialog.

How can we best engage the IP team on this one? Do we have a contact name, use the location tech email list, raise an issue pointing to the above instructions?


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