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[udig-devel] add don't replace

I will chime in for a second on question 2.

The reason why it is so difficult to turn things off is that it is against one of the Eclipse house rules (ie "Add don't replace"). The idea is that you should always be adding functionality; and give your user the option to choose what they want.

Still there are a couple of ways:
1. Don't include the plugin - this is why there is a difference between the core net.refractions.udig.catalog and the user interface plugin net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui. You may want a catalog to manage your spatial data without taking on the catalog view and associated wizards. This is most clear with the "rcp_tutorial" code where there is a feature that gathers up just enough udig to draw a map - but not any elements that contribute to the user interface.

2. Many uDig things are controlled by "ActionSets" - define your own perspective as in the the hello world tutorial and simply only turn on what you want to see.

3. Advanced: There is a facility to process the plugin.xml files as they come into the Platform; by "filtering out" parts of a plugin.xml that contribute to the user intrerface you can effectively hide stuff.

On 13/08/2010, at 3:19 AM, Miles Parker wrote:

For 2) you're going to have to get deeply into the bowels of product packaging and so that's not really a simple answer. To put it briefly, with Eclipse there is no clean way to disable someone (i.e. another feature developer's) contribution. But there are hooks to rename these things in product.ini, or you could go mucking around with product configurations or one of about half a dozen orthogonal ways that Eclipse sort of manages this. Have fun, but bottom line is that it had better be really really important for you to want to do this. ;)


On Aug 12, 2010, at 9:00 AM, Farzad Mahdikhani wrote:

I got two questions:

1- when you open the about dialog (Help menu > About uDig...) there are 3 icons at the bottom, namely,, Eclipse Modeling Project, How can I add a new icon or remove one of them?

2- How can I remove a menu option, lets say, Help contents option from the Help menu.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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