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Re: [udig-devel] How do I programmatically add a layer from a PostGIS datastore?

The reset action performs a catalog "replace" (replacing the old service with a new one you just made).

I am keen to ask postgis service clear its cache in a less heavy handed fashion; do you have any ideas?
Of importance is that we want the datastore to "rescan" for new tables; perhaps you could check if there is a method for that...

Glad you are making somewhere,

On 24/04/2010, at 3:47 AM, Mark Mathis wrote:

> Success! (after updating to udig-1.2-RC2-sdk)
>           java.util.Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
>           params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DBTYPE.key, "postgisng");
>           params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.HOST.key, tuple.getHost());
>           params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PORT.key, tuple.getPort());
>           params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.SCHEMA.key, tuple.getSchema());
>           params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DATABASE.key, tuple.getDatabase());
>           params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.USER.key, tuple.getUsername());
>           params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PASSWD.key, tuple.getPassword());
>           PostgisServiceExtension2 postgisServiceExtension = new PostgisServiceExtension2();
>           PostgisService2 postgisService = postgisServiceExtension.createService(null, params);
>           ICatalog catalog = CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog();
>           catalog.add(postgisService);
>                                                 String schema = tuple.getSchema();
>           PostgisSchemaFolder postgisSchemaFolder = new PostgisSchemaFolder(postgisService, schema);
>                     String typename = tuple.getTable();
>           IGeoResource postgisGeoResource = new PostgisGeoResource2(postgisService, postgisSchemaFolder, typename);
>                     IMap map = ApplicationGIS.getActiveMap();
>           ApplicationGIS.addLayersToMap(map, Arrays.asList(postgisGeoResource), -1);
> Where "tuple" contains the appropriate connection parameters. 
> However, this does not work correctly until the DataStore has been "Reset" from uDig (as Jody suggests).  I could not find a "Reset" method in any of the pertinent classes.  How do I "otherwise ask it to notice the new table"?
> Thanks!
> Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Are you looking for DataStore.createSchema( SimpleFeatureType )?
>> Resolve your service to the DataStore api and then try the above method; you may need to "Reset" the service in uDig or otherwise ask it to notice the new table.
>> Jody
>> On 23/04/2010, at 7:48 AM, Mark Mathis wrote:
>>> FWIW, the "geometry_columns" and "spatial_ref_sys" tables were owned by "postgres" not the user we were trying to connect to the database with.  Once we fixed the permissions on those two tables, uDig was able to connect to the PostGIS datastore without any difficulty.
>>> I am still trying to figure out how to accomplish my original question, "How do I programmatically add a layer from a PostGIS datastore?".  This can't be too hard.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
>>> Mark Mathis wrote:
>>>> Any help on this?  It seems like a pretty simple thing to do...
>>>> Also, the PostGIS datastore (via the catalog) does not seem to work with the enterprise db version of postgres.  EnterpriseDB has a separate jdbc connector, which seems to be required when connecting to the database from elsewhere.  In the case of uDig, I can connect to the database as is, but do not see any layers.  I could replace the postgres jdbc driver with the edb jar if I could find it...  The only reference I can find is in the pom for gt2-postgis.jar.  Any ideas?
>>>> Mark Mathis wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I am currently trying to develop a uDig custom application.  I have a set of existing plugins that create or modify data in a PostGIS database (behind the scenes using straight jdbc operations).  I can see the results of my computations by manually refreshing the catalog (assuming I have already connected to the postgres datastore) and using other built in user interface functionality to add/remove layers and redraw the map.
>>>>> What I would like to do is, given the appropriate connection parameters (host, database, table, and optional filter), programmatically add a new layer to the map.  I have done this (more or less) successfully by creating a (local) temporary layer and copying the features from the database to the new layer.  Unfortunately, this does not meet my requirements since any changes to the database are not updated in the local layer (at least not without regenerating the local layer).  I have also been able to programmtically add the database to the local catalog as an available data source.
>>>>> So, my question is this, "How do I programmatically 'reset' the database connection in the catalog view (to pick up any new tables) and call 'add to current map' for a specified table (layer)?".
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> MM
>>>>> I am currently working with uDig 1.1.1 SDK and eclipse PDE 3.5 (Galileo)
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