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RE: [udig-devel] Dynamic Road Feature plotting problem

Thanks for the info Jesse, I found that I am able to see the layer correctly when I go to the catalog tab and reset my oracle connection entry.  Is there a way I can call this reset directly from the code?  I have been looking through the code but haven't found it yet.
thanks again,

From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jesse Eichar
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 1:50 PM
To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Dynamic Road Feature plotting problem

Perhaps the problem is because the bounds of the layer are getting out of sync with the bounds of the data.  The IGeoResource has a bug right now where it caches the bounds of the data but does not listen to events so it can get out of date.  What you may be able to do is set the Layer's bounds or when you create the layer set its bounds to the maximum that it can be.


Le 21-Jan-08 à 8:29 AM, Lucas, Michael [USA] a écrit :

The layer is oracle spatial, I am truncating and re-populating a table behind the scenes, then rebuilding the index and refreshing the layer.  The data in the table behind the scenes is correct since I can close and re-open the application and see the new road subset where I last clicked, but within 1 session of the application, the initial bounds of the layer seem to limit what roads are displayed.  Let me know if you need any more info and thanks for the help!


From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jesse Eichar
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 9:07 AM
To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Dynamic Road Feature plotting problem

Hi,  I need a few more details on this.  Are you adding features to the layer or just selecting them?  What type of data is the layer (shapefile,  temporary, postgis)?  

If a feature is added how are you adding the feature?


Le 20-Jan-08 à 5:13 PM, Lucas, Michael [USA] a écrit :

 My application includes a tool that plots streets as features over a base map layer within a specific radius of the user's mouse click.  Here is a screenshot to illustrate:



This works fine the first time I click, but every subsequent click that is outside the bounds of the initial radius fails to plot the features on the map.  I have tried setting the bounds of the layer and refreshing hoping to see the new streets within the new radius:


Viewport Model viewportModel = (ViewportModel)layer.getMap().getViewportModel();

ReferencedEnvelope bounds = layer.getBounds(ipm, layer.getCRS());;

bounds.init(end.x - .005, end.y - .005, end.x + .005, end.y + .005);




This doesnt seem to work though, does anyone have any suggestions?



User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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