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Re: [udig-devel] Geoprocessing operations

Dear Antonio, recently we began a project that resolves part of your 
requirements. Our process is iterative and incremental, we will appreciate 
your opinions, and we can adjust the final product to the community 

You can see our project documents in this link:

Best regards

Mauricio Pazos

Axios Engineering
e-mail: maurcio.pazos@xxxxxxxx
tel-:+34 94 441 63 84
fax: +34-94 441 64 90

On Wednesday 11 October 2006 09:58, you wrote:
> Hi,
> 	I am studing uDig architecture, comparing with JUMP and ARCGIS
> and I can't find the geoprocessing operations at the uDig workbench.
> This operations work with two layers:
> 	- clip
> 	- disolve
> 	- intersect
> 	- merge
> 	- union
> 	Is this a plugin? Where can I download it?
> Thanks at all!
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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