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[udig-devel] Heap space error adding/removing graphical layers

Title: Heap space error adding/removing graphical layers


using uDIG RC 5 I got a heap space error after adding several layers. Each layer was created from a very small graphic (png or gif file of less than 1 KB) together with a world file. The same was true when each layer was created from a small shapefile.

The intension is as follows: The user creates a list of locations and these locations are shown on a map. When creating a new list of locations, the old locations are removed from the map and the new ones are displayed.

I did it similar to the descriptions in the FAQ "How do I create a map programmatically" and "I want to add an image to the map, how do I do that?"

  • I created a map using createCreateMapCommand
  • I added about ten layers (see above what the layers looked like) with either createAddManyLayersCommand (all layers together) or createAddLayerCommand (one layer at a time)
  • When a new list was created I removed the old layers using createDeleteLayer command, set the new bounding box with createSetViewportBBoxCommand and added the new layers to the map.

After doing these several times I run into the heap space error.
I also get this error when I only add and remove one layer (i.e. location lists with only one entry), but it takes longer to get the error.

I also tried it "the old way" with MapFactory.processURLs - with a similar result: The error appeared as well, but it took longer to get it.

Am I doing it the wrong way? Is there a better way?

I also wanted to try RC 6a. Are there any changes related to the layers view and showing the map? In RC 5 after adding the layer to the map they were displayed at once. In RC 6a I can see them in the catalog and in the project window, but they do not appear in the layers view automatically and are not displayed. I'll have a closer look to that to see whether I get the heap space error in RC 6a as well.


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