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[photran] Comments on the editor of Photran 3.1 beta

Ok, already running the new beta of Photran 3.1 :-). Now some comments in my favorite topic, namely highlighting & Co. The points I'm gonna mention are not new and I already pointed them out in the previous version of Photran.

Why is there no option to set "Highlight matching brackets", like in the C/C++ Editor Preferences? This is a very nice feature, which was available in Photran 2.1. After the integration of multi-language support into CDT, some common configurations like this shall (IMHO) go to a common Editor preferences dialog, and not to a language specific one. In this way it would be automatically set for Fortran editing as well.

It would also be great to have more control over the colors used for the syntax highlighting. I know that a pure language-neutral dialog box does not make sense, but it could be just like the one of C/C++, but with Fortran code shown in the preview and tailored entries in the Foreground box. Again, now that it is integrated into CDT it should be easier to do these things, or? Somebody pointed out once that to write an add-oc editor for the preview box was necessary. Instead, a "false" editor could be used, where only the text is output using the colors specified.

Also very useful would be to have a color for the intrinsic procedures of Fortran (like max, ubound, cos, matmul, etc) and not only for the commands (like if, then, do, end, etc). That helps a lot in reading the code, specially now that the parser is more intelligent and able to distinguish variables from commands with the same name.

Now some examples of bugs in the highlighting (or parser?). In the following example the variable Type is highlighted as a command, while it is a variable:

do j = 0, Number_Nodes_y, Number_Nodes_y
  do i = 0, Number_Nodes_x, Number_Nodes_x

    Type = Grid%Nodal_Property(i,j)


In the following example the words "carriagecontrol" and "recordtype" are not highlighted like the words "file" and "form":

  open(542, file            = trim(Initial_Condition), &
            form            = 'unformatted',           &
            carriagecontrol = 'none',                  &
            recordtype      = 'stream'                 )

In the following example several wrong highlightings appear. In the first line the & at the end is marked in string color, while in the second line the symbols )' near the end are marked in command color:

write(*,'("t = ",f11.3,", log(R_max) = ",f8.4, ", log(R_mean) = ",f8.4,&
          ", CPU_t = ",f8.1, "s, CPU_dt = ",f5.1,"s")') &
          Time, log10(R_max), log10(R_mean), real(time2 - time0) / 1d6,&
          real(time2 - time1) / 1d6

Another thing I have noticed is that the Outline at the right of the editor remains now always empty. Have you disabled it temporarely to work on it, or is it a bug in the beta?

Hope my comments and suggestions are helpful :-)

Thanks in advance for your help and greetings from Spain,

Miguel Hermanns

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