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[mpwg] Gap Analysis: Questions on Cost Estimation

I have some questions while analysing a bit your report.
For 2011, the effort estimation is 24 PY. Does this mean that the participating companies would have to invest 24/<NbOfInvolvedCompanies> full time person during one year, or are you considering that a part of the work will be managed by the current development teams? In the second case, could it be possible to know (more or less, I know it is Open Source), the extra effort the participating companies would have to provide?
Showing these figures to my management will not have the expected result. Saying that we will have to provide/pay for 6 persons for this project will never be accepted.
Regarding the estimation itself, am I wrong saying that your estimation and proposal is strongly coupled with a repository provider? In the very first versions of the requirements, it was wished to be “Loosely coupled to different repository providers” (line 49 of the Excel sheet of the 24/02/2010 sent by Ian). Is it planned in the current architecture to be able to easily change some part of the platform?
Thanks and regards,
PS: I read Ian’s mail about prioritization, but this will just stretch the project over time.

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