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Re: [jaxrs-dev] Java version

I think it's not really too early to discuss this. I've seen this before, actually. For a long time in project X it was said that discussions were too early, and then finally a decisions was needed and then it was made relatively quickly without much further discussion, leaving quite a bunch of opinions from people out of that decision.

For one I think the way we look at versions may become different. Before a version in Java was a major thing and surrounded by a lot of fear. Libraries didn't dare to support newer versions of Java, and companies didn't dare to upgrade, with as a result getting further and further behind over time. Who doesn't know that one company where battles have been fought about upgrading from e.g. Java 6 to Java 7.

But look at browsers now. Do we see much fear around upgrading from say Chrome 62 to 63?

If Java releases new major versions every 6 months, and who knows, maybe even more continuous than that in the future, then maybe the version fear will disappear as well, and most people would always be on the latest version or somewhere around the latest version.

If that were to happen (it remains to be seen, of course), then the target of any library could become the version of Java that's current at around the time of release of said library. For instance, for JAX-RS 3.0 that could be say Java 13 or 14.

Just my 2 cents

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 8:37 PM, Niklas Mehner <niklas.mehner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
JAX-RS 3.0 does not exist either ;) So probably Christian is right and it is a little bit to early to discuss this.

2018-03-29 20:08 GMT+02:00 Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Well, 10 exists and 11 does not. ;-)



From: jaxrs-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [] On Behalf Of Niklas Mehner
Sent: Donnerstag, 29. März 2018 20:07
To: jaxrs developer discussions
Subject: Re: [jaxrs-dev] Java version


Should this not be Java 11 instead of Java 10 for 3.0? 10 is not a long term supported version. Java 10 EOL is already in September ( ).

Best regards,



2018-03-29 19:55 GMT+02:00 Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I think it would be a good thing to use Java 10 for 3.0 and Java 8 for 2.2. The reason is that people would think they can drop-in 2.2 where currently 2.1 runs -- which is Java EE 8 containers.



From: jaxrs-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [] On Behalf Of Christian Kaltepoth
Sent: Donnerstag, 29. März 2018 07:28
To: jaxrs developer discussions
Subject: [jaxrs-dev] Java version


Hi all,


I'm currently preparing the Travis CI configuration. As part of that, we have to decide against which java versions we want to run the build. Please note that we can run multiple builds against different versions in parallel.


I just had a look at the pom and I'm a bit confused about this part. If I read it correctly, the source code version is basically set to the version of the executing JDK. Does this make sense? It seems a bit weird. Isn't the source (and target) version usually the minimum Java version supported?





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