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Re: [glassfish-dev] Tracking usage data for EE4J working group CI cloud systems

On 10/1/20 3:50 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On 10/1/20 12:34 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On 10/1/20 12:04 PM, arjan tijms wrote:

A few remarks here: just repeating the startup of GF doesn't seem to work. The test jobs for the GF build themselves already do that. It repeats the entire test 3 times. I've never ever seen it work after the second or third repeat.

Are you seeing the same (GF server.log contains `Server shutdown initiated`)?

Note that the issue actual does contain the server --verbose output via

1.  What does the java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/glassfish/flashlight/MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry failure mean?

2.  Is the MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry.class missing from a classpath?

3.  I tried -Dorg.glassfish.startupThreadPolicy=USE_NO_THREADS in glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml but that didn't seem to make a difference (nor did `rm -rf glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache`).

4.  In the email thread, one of the last comments was from Steve via
It's strange that it thinks it needs to update the bundles.

I did confirm that GlassFish5 still works fine on my local machine.

Any other suggestions of what to try?

5. internal-api.jar contains the org.glassfish.flashlight.MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry class that we get the NoClassDefFoundError failure for.

monitoring-core.jar depends on the org.glassfish.flashlight.MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry class which if accessed through the monitoring-core.jar would likely be okay, since monitoring-core.jar contains MANFEST.MF with internal-api.jar included in the Class-Path.

However, given that we see a java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/glassfish/flashlight/MonitoringRuntimeDataRegistry that is followed by GlassFish 6 terminating, does that mean the wrong classpath is used sometimes due to a race condition? contains the MANIFEST.MF contents for both internal-api.jar + monitoring-core.jar.


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