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[eclipse-dev] Upgrading to Ant 1.6.1 on Eclipse 2.1.3

I'm working through the Eclipse in Action book. In chapter 5 Building with Ant I created and ran the Hello World example.
I then downloaded Ant 1.6.1 and installed it to C:\apache-ant-1.6.1 and successfully ran the Hello World example from the command line, which suggests that all my path and classpath settings are correct.
Following the instructions in the book (page 117) in Windows>Preferences>Ant>Runtime I removed the classpaths for 1.5.3 ant.jar and optional.jar and the checked the Set Ant Home checkbox and specified C:\apache-ant-1.6.1. The jars from C:\apache-ant-1.6.1\lib appeared in the list above.
I then returned to the workbench and tried to Run Ant... on the Hello World example but when the dialog box appeared it had the following error message at the top:-
The Eclipse ant plugin.xml is still as below which does not look right to me (refers to xerces).
Has anyone upgraded to Ant 1.6.1 successfully?
Has anyone any ideas?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <import plugin="org.apache.xerces"/>
    <library name="ant.jar">
      <export name="*"/>
      <packages prefixes=""/>
    <library name="optional.jar">
      <export name="*"/>
      <packages prefixes=""/>

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