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[wtp-releng] Who is adding "hidden data" to our wiki pages?

Occasionally, I've been seeing text at the very bottom of our wiki pages (maybe just smoke test results?) that looks like this:

<input type="hidden" id="gwProxy"><!--Session data--></input><input type="hidden" id="jsProxy" _onclick_="jsCall();"></input><div id="refHTML"></div>

My guess is this is a quirk of some tools that's used to edit the pages? Mylin Wiki edit? Grease Monkey? Or ... an infrastructure bug?

First time, I just removed it and didn't say anything, but just today saw again (and again deleted it) so thought I should mention it.

If anyone knows where this comes from, let us know. If not, you might check the page after you edit it, and see if its you.

Doesn't really hurt anything, as far as I know ... but looks very funky .... and has made me curious as to what could cause that.


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