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[wtp-pmc] Project Antoine Update

As a follow-up to my previous post, Leah asked me to forward the e-mail below to the PMC.


Lawrence Mandel

Software Developer
IBM Rational Software
Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

----- Forwarded by Lawrence Mandel/Toronto/IBM on 03/07/2006 10:44 AM -----
"Leah Findlater" <lkf@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: leah.findlater@xxxxxxxxx

03/07/2006 02:27 AM

Lawrence Mandel/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Re: Project Antoine Update

We have started the Project Antoine user study. Since posting a call for participation to the WTP newsgroup on February 20th, several users have downloaded the plugin and have started to upload data. There have been no reports of issues with the plugin, so at this point we're ready to recruit many more participants. We would welcome any support the PMC can provide, such as a follow-up to the initial newsgroup posting, and blogging about the study. If there is any way that I can help in this, please let me know.

Leah Findlater

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