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[wtp-dev] Design document on Web service wizards supporting multiple versions of Axis


We have a line item in the m5 component plan to have the Web service wizards support mulitiple versions of Axis (Axis 1.0, Axis 1.1 and Axis 1.2RC3).  We have put together a design document to propose a solution for this support and we are counting on the community's help in implementing it.  We have Help Wanted posted against this line item for a while and had some interest from the community in helping with this.

If we are not able to get the community's help, we might have to scale back on the design or to just go out in WTP 1.0 with supporting only one version of Axis.  We are currently just supporting Axis 1.1.  We might move to Axis 1.2 (the release level if available or one of it's Release Candidate such as Axis1.2 RC3) for WTP 1.0.

Please take a moment to review this design document and give me any feedback.

If you are interested to help with refining the design or with the implementation of this support, please let me know.


Kathy Chan
Rational Studio Java Web Services, IBM Toronto Lab
D3-354, D3/R8V/8200/MKM, 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L6G 1C7
kathy@xxxxxxxxxx, (905) 413-3022, tieline: 969-6038, fax: (905) 413-4920

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