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Re: [udig-devel] RFC adding an extension point

Ok, still it's a bit confusing. 

PS: as you note: „As the map editor is a standard Eclipse editor part“ – sorry to say so, but udig is going to be part of my application, not vice versa.

By "Eclipse editor part" I mean the Eclipse EditorPart UI elements, as opposed to ViewPart elements

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Moser-Spitzenstaetter Ludwig <L.Spitzenstaetter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Well what you describe is what i tried.

Fact is, when i load a project, it switches the map to my udig perspective, where it is used as editor.

In ALL my other views there is no editor, only views -> therefore the map shall be displayed in this view, not in my other perspective as editor.

I believe you mean all other perspectives, right?


This is tested and i already had a talk with jody, who told me it is needed to define such an extension point.


To create short summary of my application:

a perspective where users can edit a map.

Lots of other perspectives

And ONE perspective where the map is shown (points, lines etc are added to this map by code)

Adding stuff to the map works fine, but, as mentioned above, the map pops up at the wrong position (though it is clearly defined in my perspectives).

Ok two perspectives with a map. Is it the same map object or two different map objects? If different, do they belong to same project object?
Is it so that the first perspective should contain a map inside an editor part, and the second should contain a map in a view part?
Or both should be in an editor part?

What is the correct position?


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