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Re: [udig-devel] Problem about the rendering and toolbar, when maximize or minimize the views

The toolbar code makes use of our own idea of a drop down combo in order to switch between modal tools. In later releases of uDig this was cleaned up considerably, and the option of using the normal Eclipse palette was provided.

Jody Garnett

On Wednesday, 19 June 2013 at 8:24 PM, rebel gcn wrote:

We are using 1.2.2 release of the uDig, and on this version when we maximize any view (for example: Table) and then minimize it to its old size again, our toolbar is disappear and when we clicked anywhere on the application it throws an exception like below:

Also when we try to delete any layer on the map, below exception thrown:

at org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.stopRendering(
at net.refractions.udig.render.internal.feature.basic.BasicFeatureRenderer.dispose(
I did some extensive quality assurance checks for uDig 1.3.x series, catching many mistakes like this when dispose() methods, or event handling resulted in code trying to access objects that had been cleaned up. 
By the way, we try to get these exceptions on 1.3.2 release but we can't get them. We have looked yours release notes after 1.2.2 on JIRA but didn't find anything about these problems. So is there any suggestion about these problems?
I am afraid the notes were very high level, focused on features. You may have better luck looking at the change history in github (and github pull requests).


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