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Re: [udig-devel] GSoC 2012 - Introduction

H Davide,

Thank you for your reply! I do not already know Neo4j, but I followed the link you gave me and took a look around. So Neo4j is a database used for Java applications. Is this similar to maybe how ArcGIS can utilize Access? I am familiar with the idea of traversing, and a couple algorithms that may be involved.

I am interested in support for OSM data mining capabilities in uDig and Geotools. I found the following from uDig's mail archive:

"I am Mirco Franzago, a master course student in computer science. With my pleasure I want to announce that I’ve been selected for the Google Summer of Code 2011 for my proposal “OSM data mining and editing capabilities in uDig and Geotools”, a Neo4j and uDig project  in collaboration with Craig Taverner. The project is divided in 3 main steps. The first main target of this project is to enhance OSM data rendering in uDig. We will need a dynamic layers GUI support for the control of rendering and catalog actions functionalities. The second step will be on OSM editor improvement to allow a fine grained editing, using the existing uDig editing tools, but with different commands implementation. The last step concerns the OSM data synchronization into Neo4j database, for use them in the OSM editor."

I'm not sure how much of this project was completed. If parts of it were completed, then we could take it on from where they left off. Should we consult the uDig mailing list?

Did you have any particular features in mind? Also, what project did you work on when you participated in 2010?

Thank you again!


 On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Davide <davide@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 04:04, Carol Hansen <carolbhansen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> My name is Carol Hansen, a Computer Science student in Chicago, finishing up
> my senior year.

Hi Carol

I'm a developer of the Neo4j Spatial project
(, I've participated as a
student in GSoC 2010.

I can help (as a mentor) for these two project that involve the Neo4j database:

- Support OSM data mining capabilities in uDig and Geotools
- Support in Neo4j full set of geospatial operations as in PostGIS

Now we should try to define the features that we want to develop... :)
Do you already know Neo4j graph database?

Davide Savazzi
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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