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[udig-devel] GSoC 2012 - Introduction



My name is Carol Hansen, a Computer Science student in Chicago, finishing up my senior year. I will be applying for Google Summer of Code 2012, and I was so excited to see OSGeo as one of the participating organizations. Primarily, I am interested in applying my degree to GIS. As far as my skills and background, I am familiar with Java (currently taking a server-side course and coding Java Servlets and JSPs), Ecplise and RAD, HTML/CSS, SQL, tiny bit of Python (going over basic scripting in my web-GIS course this semester), ArcGIS, GRASS, and Google Earth. 


There are a number of projects I am interested in contributing to, but I am having difficulty deciphering which ones I am best suited for based on my background. I admit some of the Project suggestions went a little over my head, but they involve technologies I would love to become familiar with. Not familiar with uDig, but there is a lot of documentation, and I figure I can jump in fairly easily since it is based in Java.

Here are a few of the projects I am interested in:

uDIG Projects:

  • Create an OSM editor in uDig that would be the first full GIS based editor (ie. not just a graph editor with background maps)
  • Support powerful OSM data mining capabilities in uDig and Geotools (perform queries on open street map not currently possible in existing OSM tools, but relatively easy with Neo4j)
  • Support full set of geospatial operations as in PostGIS 
  • Create a gis general purpose database plugin for uDig with hibernate (also spatial). The plugin would expose extension points to register spatially and nonspatially enabled classes. With such a plugin one would be able to rely on the neo4j database support easily from any udig plugin without having to wonder what database is backing the persistence. Keeping the interfaces clear, it would be fairly easy to allow for seamless connection to neo4j as to postgis.
  • KML Reader and Writer


What would be the next steps to get involved and contribute?


Thank you!

Carol Hansen

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