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Re: [udig-devel] "Hide Normal Rendered Feature" question

So any idea what would be causing a refresh after I add a new feature if I'm *not* changing the selection? I add a feature, and then wait one or two seconds, and the status bar gives the message "Rendering..." (but refreshLayer is not called).


>Jesse Eichar wrote: 
>You have the correct idea.  When a feature is selected the layer is  
>refreshed, not when you move a vertex.  It is working here.  I'm  
>doing some debugging right now in order to make the refreshing happen  
>On 21-May-06, at 11:44 PM, Michael Brasser wrote:
>> Jesse,
>> Just wondering if you could give a couple-sentence explanation on  
>> how you implemented "Hide Normal Rendered Feature (Experimental)".
>> In looking at the new classes/functions you added, I assumed you  
>> were using RefreshLayersBehaviour,  and/or EditUtils' refreshLayer  
>> function, to do the re-render. But when I stick a breakpoint in  
>> either of those they aren't usually called (for example, after  
>> adding a new feature, neither is called, yet the display still re- 
>> renders). Is their another place I should be looking?
>> Thanks,
>> Michael

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