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Re: [udig-devel] holongate vs. SWT_AWT bridge

Jesse Eichar wrote:

Thanks that's our answer then.

Macs need JDK 1.5.  Bummer.  We don't know when that is coming out do we?

Usually it lags the Sun release by around a year, it is shipped with the OS. I will also point out that the Java implementation on Mac is considerably more intergrated then usual (the Swing containers recognize that that OS double buffers and make use of this fact, common libraries are loaded once and shared between JVMs to reduce startup time and so on...). Basically they use that extra time to do a darn fine job.

So Jesse does this leave us with the holongate native bliting as our only option (or even worse a nested for loop). I don't really want to start writing to the Eclipse image directly.


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