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[udig-devel] Re: [Geoapi-devel] uDig Project Schedule

Greg Reynolds wrote:

Have you given any thought yet as to how and to what degree will you implement the GO-1 portion of GeoAPI in your WMS work? There are areas that definitely apply to a WMS implementation.
Hi Greg:

I see that my schedule could of been more explicit.

We are building a client application. The WMS support referers to
issuing requests and wrapping the response up as grid coverages for display.
If you follow the link you can see a that our next milestone includes
client support for Web Registry Service, leading to my recent interest
in Metadata.

I have been trying to follow the progress of the GO-1 portion, however I
have yet to see a summary of any proceedings at the recent OGC meeting.
My impression is that a working group is forming around september?

Jody Garnett

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