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Re: [tycho-user] Running UI tests without starting a full-blown workbench

Hi Mickael,

> I suggest you look into SWT test cases (in eclipse.platform.swt Git
> repo) for examples and see how this is handled.

Good idea. Will do that.

>>     Next I tried setting up my own dummy IApplication and registering it in
>>     my UI test's fragment.xml, but despite configuring the <application>
>>     with the tych-surefire-plugin, the plugin cannot find it:
> Is the bundle that provides the application a dependency of your test
> plugin? If not, make sure you tweak the target-platform-configuration to
> have that bundle part of the dependency resolution, or just declare a
> dependency to it in your test if it's acceptable.

The application is declared in the fragment.xml of the
eclipse-test-plugin itself (a fragment of the bundle under test), so the
fragment is definitely resolved.

Best wishes,


Dr. Andreas Sewe | sewe@xxxxxxx | +49 152 56342856
CQSE GmbH | Centa-Hafenbraedl-Strasse 59 | 81249 Muenchen |
Amtsgericht Muenchen | HRB 177678 | GF: F. Deissenboeck, M. Feilkas

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