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Re: [tycho-user] any way tycho to change the .qualifier of POM-FIrst bundles when generating a P2 ?


below is the snipts. It is working well for generate the source artifacts.

Unfortunately there is a Tycho bugs [1] and [2]  that I thinking is messing with generated P2... So, I can't use the generated P2 when there are those POM-FIRST source features in its category file.

Are you generating a P2 with any Source Feature ? 


... <Embed-Transitive>true</Embed-Transitive>
<!-- Build helper maven plugin sets the parsedVersion.osgiVersion property -->
<!-- enable source bundle generation -->
<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId&g t;
<Bundle-ManifestVersion >2</Bundle-ManifestVersion>

[1] -
[2] -



On 29/02/12 08:26, Cristiano Gavião wrote:
Hi Michael,

I got it working now...

the solution was to get ${} in a property variable and share it with both build-helper-maven-plugin and maven-bundle-plugin...

thanks again


On 28/02/12 16:07, Cristiano Gavião wrote:
Hi Michael,

Thank for sharing...

well, besides the fact the m2e have complained when I add the <_snapshot> into pom, I could run it using mvn and it changed the artifact symbolic name properly...

But doing this I've broken the source bundle generation with maven-source-plugin, because I couldn't make build-helper-maven-plugin to get the symbolic name used by maven-bundle-plugin.

I've tried drop maven-source-plugin and follow you adding <_sources>true</_sources>. But maven-bundle-plugin doesn't create another bundle for source, so I can't reference it in a source feature xml file.

still investigating alternatives...



On 28/02/12 14:12, Michael Gruebsch wrote:

try using


in the instruction section of the maven-bundle-plugin







see for further references.


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:21:04 -0300
From: Cristiano Gavi?o<cvgaviao@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Tycho user list<tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [tycho-user] any way tycho to change the .qualifier of
    POM-FIrst bundles when generating a P2 ?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


I have a p2 that contain both POM-First and Manifest-First bundles.

when I create a snapshot version I could see that only the bundles
created by tycho have it generated symbolic name .qualifier
changed for
a timestamp. all pom-first stay as was created, with .SNAPSHOT.

The POM-First is being created by maven-bundle-plugin, so its
default is
to create it snapshot bundles with .SNAPSHOT instead a .qualifier.

But even when I configure maven-bundle-plugin to generate a
bundle name
using .qualifier instead the default I could not have the
expected result.

please, could someone give me a light?


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