the target milestone for the bug regarding invalid large zip files [1] is not set to 0.23 but since all CQs [2] and [3] had been approved, that might be a candidate
to submit before doing the release or Jan have you already started the release process?
Von: tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Im Auftrag von David M Williams
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Mai 2015 02:48
An: Tycho developers list
Betreff: Re: [tycho-dev] Plan for 0.23.0 release?
How's those plans coming along?
As a reminder, our Platform final RC3 build will be Wednesday 5/27 and final RC4 build (final for the Mars release) is scheduled for Wednesday 6/3. (i.e. time is about up).
> they had to go on SNAPSHOT for good reasons I assume.
Really? You don't remember why? This is for the "Mac App" layout, that p2 has implemented. It was important to the Eclipse Foundation to see this happen for Mars ... so ... that makes it important
to us in the Platform.
As always, let me know if I can help in some way.
From: "Sievers, Jan" <jan.sievers@xxxxxxx>
To: Tycho developers list <tycho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 05/22/2015 03:13 AM
Subject: Re: [tycho-dev] Plan for 0.23.0 release?
Sent by: tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
yes M7/RC... for equinox,p2,JDT would be fine with me.
BTW we've used eclipse milestones for Tycho releases several times in the past already.
Just in case there is really a need for 0.23.1 after Mars final, we can do it using Mars final binaries.
It's a chicken-egg problem. If we wait for Mars final before doing a release, eclipse platform will have released with a SNAPSHOT version of Tycho i.e. build not reproducible (and this is esp. bad in the context of long term support). OTOH once M7 or whatever
we used for 0.23.0 is gone, the Tycho release build itself is also no longer reproducible.
Having to choose between the two I find it easier to release Tycho earlier, given the size and complexity of the eclipse platform build compared to the Tycho build.
Of course ideally eclipse platform would not be using Tycho SNAPSHOTs in the first place so this problem wouldn't exist, but they had to go on SNAPSHOT for good reasons I assume.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Behalf Of Igor Fedorenko
> Sent: Freitag, 22. Mai 2015 01:08
> To: tycho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [tycho-dev] Plan for 0.23.0 release?
> What about p2, equinox and jdt binaries included in Tycho? Do you plan
> to release 0.23.0 with M/RC platform binaries and follow it up with
> 0.23.1 soon after Mars GA is declared?
> --
> Regards,
> Igor
> On Thu, May 21, 2015, at 11:42 AM, Sievers, Jan wrote:
> > I'd like to do a Tycho release soon.
> >
> > It's been some time since 0.22.0 and it's definitely advised to release
> > Mars with a released version of Tycho from a build reproducibility point
> > of view.
> >
> > SNAPSHOTs are ephemeral so while you could note down the Tycho commit
> > used at the time of eclipse release, other dependencies like Mars M7 used
> > by Tycho will be gone in the future if we don't release.
> >
> > There are some open bugs targeted for 0.23.0
> >
> >
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?classification=Technology&list_id=1
> 1783383&order=resolution%2Cbug_id%20DESC&product=Tycho&query_based_on=tycho-
> 0.23&query_format=advanced&target_milestone=0.23.0
> >
> > I'd like to ask Tycho committers to postpone those bugs (unset target
> > milestone) that are not critical to be included in 0.23.0
> >
> > Based on what I know right now I'd be tentatively OK with releasing
> > 0.23.0 with what we have now (based on on M7) but other committers may
> > object.
> > With an updated list of open bugs for 0.23.0 we will be able to judge
> > whether next week would be doable or not.
> >
> > Note that usually we use a one week staging period for collecting
> > feedback on the staged release candidate.
> >
> > Regards
> > Jan
> >
> >
> > From: tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > [mailto:tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
> > Sent: Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2015 17:20
> > To: Tycho developers list
> > Subject: [tycho-dev] Plan for 0.23.0 release?
> >
> > Tycho Team,
> >
> > As you know, we are rapidly approach Mars release, and it would be best
> > if we (contributors to Mars release) could use a *released* version of
> > Tycho 0.23.0, instead of Tycho 0.23.0-SNAPSHOT.
> >
> > I'm sure you also know we need to use the SNAPSHOT now, to get the "Mac
> > layout" and other important p2 fixes you are so kindly integrating (I
> > think more to come in RC2, for "userAgent" fix and I ability to read
> > artifacts.xml.xz files).
> >
> > So ... while a lot is going on "last minute" here, is there any hope of
> > us getting a released version for our final builds? (i.e. a release next
> > week, or following week?)
> >
> > And, if not, what do you recommend? Is there a way we can at least record
> > the exact SNAPSHOT version used (I've heard there is .. just not sure
> > "how to" so was hoping it was easy).
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
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