A related problem - but something that perhaps should be delegated to the Eclipse Webmaster - the issues tab is empty for the release. Indeed it seems moving the project to gitlab caused the issues tab to become empty for all previous releases too as a result of all the Titan issues becoming archived.
AFAICT, the Eclipse Titan project never really leveraged this feature. The issues tab is dynamically generated, even for older releases. To work, the project must specify a Bugzilla Product and optional component in their metadata (which Titan has done), must have a target milestone that matches the release version (which Titan has not provided), and must have Bugzilla issues aligned with the target milestone (which I see no evidence of). There's more information in the
AFAICT, Eclipse Titan has 19 Bugzilla issues, but webmaster may have moved some issues to the z_Archived product (and will eventually move all of the ones there now).
In general, though, it is a limitation of the PMI that, since this information is dynamically generated, information will disappear from older releases as products sever their ties with Bugzilla. We've discussed extending this support to include GitHub and GitLab, but my strong preference is quickly becoming to leave it projects to maintain their own change log as they see fit.