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Re: [tools-pmc] Approval request for Eclipse Titan 8.0.0 release

Hi Lenard,

Please provide some information on the release in the PMI. The release record is empty at the moment. Compare with the 7.1.0 or 6.6.1 which have a more complete release record. At a minimum a link to New and Noteworthy + some explanation about the version number major bump / API breakages (which can also be in the N&N document).

A related problem - but something that perhaps should be delegated to the Eclipse Webmaster - the issues tab is empty for the release. Indeed it seems moving the project to gitlab caused the issues tab to become empty for all previous releases too as a result of all the Titan issues becoming archived.


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Thu, 26 Aug 2021 at 05:03, Lénárd Nagy via tools-pmc <tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear PMC,

Please approve the Eclipse Titan 8.0.0 release

Tracking issue:

Lenard Nagy
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