Eclipse Foundation Project Handbook
- Notices
- Overview
- Starting an Open Source Project at the Eclipse Foundation
- Incubation
- Project Roles
- Committer Badges
- Project Resources and Services
- Open, Transparent, and Meritocratic
- Identifiers
- Source Code Management
- Git Commit Records
- GitLab
- GitHub
- Gerrit Code Review
- Archiving Repositories
- Issue Trackers
- Mailing Lists
- Forums and Outbound Communication
- Project Websites
- Analytics and Data Collection
- Vendor-Specific Links
- Builds
- Signed Artifacts
- Downloads
- External Resources
- Chat Service
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Managing and Reporting Vulnerabilities
- Contributing to an Eclipse Project
- Elections
- Committer Paperwork
- Specifications
- Intellectual Property
- Legal Documentation Requirements
- Legal Documentation for Eclipse Platform Plug-ins and Fragments
- Project Releases and Reviews
- Project Management Infrastructure (PMI)
- Project Branding
- Promoting your Project
- Community
- Project Checklist
- Glossary
- Getting Help
- Eclipse Foundation Development Process
- Guidelines
- Change Log
Current as of 2024-12-06.
Copyright © Eclipse Foundation, Inc. and others.
Made available under the Eclipse Public License v 2.0.
This document includes content originally authored on the Eclipsepedia wiki by Wayne Beaton, Fabian Steeg, Denis Roy, Dave Carver, Ed Merks, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Anne Jacko, Ian Skerrett, Mike Milinkovich, and John Arthorne.
This document provides you with the information that you need to create a new Eclipse open source project or become a committer on an existing one.
The Eclipse Foundation Development Process (EDP) is the foundational document for Eclipse projects and committers. It describes the manner in which we do open source software. The EDP does not prescribe any particular development methodology; it is more concerned with the larger-scale aspects of open source project life cycle, including such things as reviews, processes for running votes and elections, bringing new committers onto a project, etc. This document elaborates on some key points of the EDP.
The Open Source Rules of Engagement lie at the heart of the EDP:
- Open
Eclipse is open to all; Eclipse provides the same opportunity to all. Everyone participates with the same rules; there are no rules to exclude any potential Contributors which include, of course, direct competitors in the marketplace.
- Transparent
Project discussions, minutes, deliberations, Project plans, plans for new features, and other artifacts are open, public, and easily accessible.
- Meritocratic
Eclipse is a meritocracy. The more you contribute the more responsibility you will earn. Leadership roles in Eclipse are also merit-based and earned by peer acclaim.
Employment status has no bearing at whether or not somebody can participate in an open source project at Eclipse. Employment does not guarantee committer status; committer status must be earned by everybody. Committers and project leads are added to a project via election. |
The Open Source Rules of Engagement define a foundation for vendor neutral open source development. Vendor-neutrality is concerned with maintaining a level playing field that is open to all comers: no vendor is permitted to dominate a project, and nobody can be excluded from participating in a project based on their employment status.
Quality and intellectual property cleanliness are also important principles.
Quality means extensible frameworks and exemplary tools developed in an open, inclusive, and predictable process involving the entire community. From the consumption perspective, Eclipse quality means good for users (exemplary tools are cool/compelling to use, indicative of what is possible) and ready for use by adopters. From the creation perspective, Eclipse quality means working with a transparent and open process, open and welcoming to participation from technical leaders, regardless of affiliation.
Intellectual property (IP) is any artifact that is made available from a Eclipse server (this includes source code management systems, the website, and the downloads server). Artifacts include (but are not limited to) such things as source code, images, XML and configuration files, documentation, and more. Strict rules govern the way that we manage IP and your responsibilities as a committer.
Code produced by an Eclipse project is used by organisations to build products. These adopters of Eclipse technology need to have some assurance that the IP they’re basing their products on is clean: the organisation or individuals who claim copyright of the code are the legitimate copyright holders, and the copyright holders legitimately agree to make the code available under the license(s) that the project works under. As a committer, you must be careful that you do not copy code and inadvertently claim it as your own.
Starting an Open Source Project at the Eclipse Foundation
Before getting started, it’s important to know what is required of an Eclipse project. The Eclipse Foundation will take ownership of many aspects of the project to ensure that the project and its assets are managed in an open and vendor-neutral manner. This takes the form, for example, of the Eclipse Foundation retaining ownership of the project’s trademarks on behalf of the community, and carefully managing who has write access on project resources such as source code repositories and distribution channels. Eclipse projects are obligated to use certain resources assigned to the project by the Eclipse Foundation and conform to logo and trademark guidelines. New project sponsors must engage in the process of transitioning an existing project with the intent to continue development of the project code and growth of the community and ecosystem around the project.
When you move your project to the Eclipse Foundation, it becomes an Eclipse project. Specifically, it ceases to be your project and becomes a vendor-neutral community project that operates under the governance of the Eclipse Foundation. This means, for example, that the open source project name and the names of any products produced by the project will be trademarks (either registered or common-law) of the Eclipse Foundation and you are required to follow the same trademark guidelines as everybody else when you refer to the project. If you were to, for example, contribute the "Woolsey" product to the Eclipse Foundation, you would be required to transfer all rights that you have to the name "Woolsey" to the Eclipse Foundation, and the use of the "Woolsey" name in your products, website, marketing materials, etc. would be then be subject to the trademark guidelines (you would be required to rename your products from "Woolsey" to "[Product Name] for Eclipse Woolsey" or similar). If the name important to your organisation, consider choosing a different name for the Eclipse open source project. |
It’s also important to know what new projects don’t give up. The project team retains control of the project’s direction by virtue of regular contribution to the project. The contributors to the project retain ownership of their contributions (those contributions are used under license by the project). Project leads are required to ensure that other individuals who present themselves to the project are given uniform opportunity to participate, but the project team gets to establish the rules for participation (within certain parameters). The project team is responsible for determining development methodology, establishing plans, etc. Existing owners of the project code retain their ownership.
Project Proposal
Eclipse open source projects start with a proposal that is made available to the community for review. At the end of the community review period, we engage in a creation review, and then provision the project resources.
A proposal must minimally include a description of the project, a declaration of scope, and a list of initial members (project leads and committers) before we make it accessible to the public for community review.
When you feel that the proposal is ready, send a note to the Eclipse Management Organization (EMO) requesting that the proposal be made available to the public for review. The EMO will review the proposal and may provide feedback before initiating the community review period.
At the beginning of the community review period, the EMO will announce the proposal on several channels (the Project Activity News page, Twitter, blog post, and an email note to the Eclipse Foundation members and committers). The EMO will also open a record in the Eclipse Foundation’s issue tracker — an instance of GitLab — to track the progress of the proposal; the proposal’s author, and project leads will be copied on that record.
A proposal will be open for community review for a minimum of two weeks.
Project Proposal Document
Use the web form to create a new project proposal.
Instructions are provided on the form. All new proposals are created in draft mode, and are accessible only by the original author and anybody designated as a project lead or committer in the proposal. Only those individuals designated as a project lead may edit the proposal.
Keep track of the URL of the proposal. The website does not provide public links to the document until after the proposal is opened for community review. If you do lose track of the URL, ask EMO for assistance. |
When making the decision to initiate the creation review that will turn the project proposal into an Eclipse open source project, the EMO will consider the following:
- Scope
Does the project have a technology scope and focus which will have a reasonable likelihood of success? Projects that are too big will definitely fail; projects that are too small are unlikely to be interesting.
Write the project scope and description in the present tense (refer to the project as though it already exists). Think of the scope and description as timeless: they should be meaningful today and ten years from now. Be concise: start with a single sentence that summarises the intention of the project in broad terms. A scope of three to five sentences in total is ideal.
- Clear and Concise Description
If the community found any aspects of the proposal confusing, unclear, or using unfamiliar jargon, those areas must be clarified. This is a hard and fast requirement: because the Eclipse community must be able to evaluate the proposal. To do that, they must be able to understand the proposal and thus it must be clear and straightforward and free of marketing-speak.
- Specifications
If the project will develop specifications, then those specifications must be developed under the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process. Specification development requires that the project be aligned with a single working group, designated in the Is this a specification project? field. If you’re not sure what working group to select, or the target working group is not in the list, contact the {emoLink}.
In their January 2020 meeting, the Eclipse Foundation’s Board of Directors passed this resolution:
+ RESOLVED, that the Board instructs the EMO to ensure as quickly as practical that all Eclipse Foundation projects which deliver specifications do so under the auspices of the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process (EFSP).
If the project will implement specifications, indicate this in the scope and description.
- Committers
The creation review serves as the new committer election for the initial Committers and thus the proposal must contain the same level of nomination justification and background as an election would. The committer biographies don’t have to be long or involved, but they should describe each committer’s relationship to and history with the incoming code, and/or involvement with the area or technologies covered by the proposal.
We require that all committers review the Eclipse Committer Due Diligence Guidelines. Further, all committers must be covered by a committer agreement which requires committers to agree to work under various policies, including the Eclipse Foundation’s IP Policy. The EMO staff will help committers determine what specific agreements need to be signed as part of project provisioning.
The project must have sufficient committed developers to achieve its goals. The Eclipse Foundation is not a place to "abandon in public" code; rather, the Eclipse Foundation strives to have active projects with active communities and thus enough developers to move the project along.
- Communities
Does the project have a community of contributors and users, outside the core developers, who are willing to work towards making this a success? This is a bit of a Catch-22 situation because it is sometimes hard to attract a community before any milestones or releases, but it is also true that projects with limited developers and even fewer users tend not to have much technical impact.
- Collaborations
Successful Eclipse projects are those that collaborate with existing Eclipse, or other open source, projects. Again, it can be hard to start a collaboration before demonstrating the technology, but at the same time it is never too early to start discussing collaborations with other projects. Additionally, it never hurts to join and help an existing project to start establishing those social networks that will make future collaborations on the new project possible.
- Sufficient Time for the Community
Project proposals are held in community review for a minimum of two weeks. Anything less than two weeks of general accepted business days does not give the Eclipse membership sufficient notice of new initiatives.
- Diversity
Is this a single company project or a multi-organization effort? If all the committers and contributors are in the same organisation or have financial ties to the same organisation, the project is at a greater risk of being de-staffed. Brand new projects are not required to be diverse, but projects cannot graduate from the incubation phase without appropriate diversity.
- Trademarks
The Eclipse Foundation holds the trademark for all Eclipse projects. Trademark assignment is undertaken prior to the creation of any new project. If you already have a trademark on your project name, that trademark must be assigned to the Eclipse Foundation. Be advised that trademark assignment can be a time-consuming process (it can take hours, days, or weeks depending on the circumstances surrounding the name). If you currently hold the trademark, you will be asked to complete a Trademark Transfer Agreement.
When the project name trademark has been secured and the proposal contents are finalised, the EMO will schedule a creation review.
Creation reviews tend to always be successful. They should be considered low stress as the hard work has already been done in advance of the start of the review. |
Following a successful creation review, the EMO will initiate the provisioning process.
Provisioning starts with an email message being sent to each of the committers listed on the project proposal with instructions on how to engage in the committer paperwork process. The exact nature of that paperwork depends on several factors, including the employment status of the individual and the Eclipse Foundation membership status of their employer.
The provisioning process will not start until after the committer agreement for at least one project committer is received and processed by the EMO Records Team. If you can be ready with the paperwork in time for the completion of the creation review, then we can move quickly through the provisioning process. When we initiate provisioning, committers will be sent an email with instructions; please don’t send any paperwork in until after you receive those instructions. |
When the paperwork is received and processed for one committer, the Eclipse IT Team will begin the resources provisioning process. When that process is complete, the Eclipse IT Team will provide information regarding the nature and coordinates of the various resources and services available to the project.
After Provisioning
Before pushing any code into an official Eclipse project repository, the project team must submit the project’s initial contribution of project code and wait for the Eclipse Intellectual Property (IP) Team to grant checkin
of that contribution.
third party content that is required by the project code must also be reviewed by the Eclipse IP Team.
After the project code is pushed into the project repository, the project team can create and distribute milestone builds for the first release. However, all intellectual property must be approved by the Eclipse IP Team before the project team can issue any official releases.
Project Phases
Eclipse projects move through various phases. Projects in active phases (incubation or mature) engage in all the normal sorts of development activities: project committers write code, run builds, release software, court contribution, and seek to convert contributors into committers. All new projects start in the incubation phase. Projects tend to stay in the incubation phase for a few months (varies depending on the nature and composition of the project) and then move into the mature phase.
Key project life cycle events are gated by reviews; moving from the incubation phase to the mature phase must be, for example, preceded by a graduation review.
Incubation Phase
A project in the incubation phase is said to be incubating.
The classification of a project in the incubation phase is not a statement about the quality of the project’s code; rather, the incubation phase is more about the project team’s progress in practising the open and transparent processes described by the Eclipse Foundation Development Process to establish the three communities (developers, adopters, and users) around the project.
Incubating projects are encouraged to produce milestone builds, make releases, and grow their community.
When the project code is ready (e.g. stable APIs) and the project team has learned to operate as an open source project according to the Eclipse Foundation Development Process, the project may opt to graduate (via graduation review) into the mature phase.
Mature Phase
Most of the lifetime of an Eclipse project is spent in the mature phase. A mature project is one that:
Is a good open source citizen with open, transparent, and meritocratic behaviour;
Regularly and predictably releases IP clean extensible frameworks and exemplary tools; and
Actively nurtures the three communities: developers, adopters, and users.
When a project has reached its logical conclusion, its resources are archived. Transition in the Archived (phase) is preceded by a termination review.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we keep the project proposal in draft form (private) until a certain date?
Yes. You can ask the EMO to keep a proposal private until you a ready.
Can we create the project right now? Do we have to wait?
Our process requires that a proposal be made available for community review (and review by our members) for a minimum of two weeks. The required creation review requires one full week. In exceptional circumstances, we can overlap the community review and creation review, meaning that the best we can do for project creation is two weeks. Timely responses to our queries will help: we cannot for example, create a project until after we have transferred applicable trademarks and domains.
Can we delay the creation review?
Our practice is to move as quickly as we can, so the EMO will do its best to schedule a creation review as quickly as possible. We can, however, hold off scheduling a creation review until you and the community are ready.
Do I have to create an entirely new project? Can I extend an existing project?
If new functionality falls within the scope of an existing project, then it may make sense to instead create a component within the project. Components are an informal concept for Eclipse open source projects; the notion of a component generally manifests as a separate Git repository with access to that repository managed via social convention.
All project committers have uniform write access to all project resources, which means that when a new component is added to a project everybody who already has push access to the Git repositories already in that project can also push to the new component’s Git repository.
Different components within a project can be built separately, but they generally release on a shared schedule with shared release reviews (although there is some precedent for projects releasing different components separately).
A component may be the right choice if the new functionality:
Is within the scope of the project;
Shares the same licensing of the project;
Can reasonably share the development schedule of the project; and/or
Will be delivered alongside other project functionality.
You might instead choose to create a new project if the new functionality:
Does not reasonably fall within the scope of an existing project (and an existing scope cannot be reasonably changed to accommodate);
Absolutely must be delivered on a separate schedule;
Must be delivered independently (i.e. a completely separate downloads area is required);
Has different licensing requirements; and/or
Would benefit from separate branding.
Why are some committer (but not all) names rendered as links on project proposal pages?
When the list of committers provided for a new project proposal are rendered, a link to more information for each individual committer will be included when possible. The link will render, for example, when an individual already has a role on another existing Eclipse open source project (e.g. is a committer, project lead, Project Management Committee (PMC) member, etc.). No link indicates that no existing project relationships exist for that individual.
What license(s) can I use for my project?
Eclipse top level projects define the standard licensing for their projects. When a project has nonstandard licensing requirements, they may need to make an appeal to the Eclipse board of directors to request their approval. Connect with EMO for assistance.
Can I change the proposal after it is posted?
Yes. The proposal can be changed any time before the start of the creation review.
When do I submit my code for review by the IP team?
Submit your code (initial contribution) for review after the project has been provisioned. The EMO will let you know when provisioning is complete.
Does the new project have to use Git?
Yes. Git is the only source code management system that is currently permitted for new projects.
Can I host my project code on GitHub?
Eclipse projects can make use of GitHub. Official project repositories must be hosted under an Eclipse Foundation-managed organisation at GitHub. Official repositories are subject to the same intellectual property due diligence rules and processes that all Eclipse project repositories must follow.
How long should I let my project incubate?
It depends. Community expectations are one factor. Team experience with open source is another. If your team is new to open source, it may make sense to stay in incubation a little longer than a seasoned team with a mature code base might. As a general rule, though, projects should plan to leave incubation within a year.
Does the mature project code that I’m bring to Eclipse need to incubate?
Yes. All new projects start in the incubation phase. Remember that incubation is as much about the project team learning about how to operate as an open source project as it is about the project code. Project teams that "get it" can opt to exit incubation quickly (e.g. with their first release) if that makes sense for the team and the community.
If Eclipse Projects are vendor neutral, then why do code headers assign copyright to various vendors?
Eclipse projects are required to follow the Open Source Rules of Engagement and operate in a vendor neutral manner. This is different from copyright. Eclipse projects operate using a symmetrical licensing scheme by which contributors (or, very often, their employers) retain the copyright of their contributions, but license them to the Eclipse Foundation who, in turn, licenses those contributions to adopters under the same terms.
Contributors retain their copyright and express that copyright via file headers.
What do all these terms (e.g., EMO) mean?
Please see the glossary.
The Eclipse Foundation Development Process (EDP) has a notion of phases. Two of those phases are incubation and mature.
All Eclipse open source projects start in the incubation phase, and are expected to graduate into the mature phase. Eclipse open source projects will spend most of their existence in the mature phase. The intention of the incubation phase in the EDP is to establish a fully-functioning Eclipse open source project by focusing on developing the process, the community, and the technology. This phase is not about the quality of the project’s content, but rather about the project team’s progress in practising the open processes necessary to establish communities of developers, adopters, and users around the project.
The timing of graduation depends on a number of factors and so varies widely. Project teams should regularly connect with their project management committee (PMC) to seek guidance with regard to their readiness to graduate (and other concerns regarding their obligations as an Eclipse open source project). |
While in both the incubation and mature phases, an Eclipse open source project operates in basically the same manner: only committers can push content, committers are brought on board by election, committers accept merge and pull requests from contributors, and issue major, minor, and service releases. In fact, we strongly encourage all new project teams to engage in at least one release while in the incubation phase as part of learning Eclipse Foundation processes. Traditionally, a project in the incubation phase numbers their releases < 1.0
(e.g. 0.7
), but there is no requirement to do so.
Incubation is a phase, or state, for a project. That a project is in the incubation phase (we oftentimes refer to a project in this phase as “incubating”) is a flag for adopters and the community at large that the project team are still learning the various processes that Eclipse project teams follow, or that the content produced is either unstable or volatile (e.g., APIs are more likely to change while a project is in the incubation phase, than while it is in the mature phase).
The intellectual property due diligence process provides some additional flexibility for projects in incubation; the implication being that there may be some modest increase in intellectual property-related risk while the development team learns to engage in the due diligence process.
Incubation Branding
To highlight that a project is in the incubation phase, it must implement incubation branding. Primarily, this takes the form of displaying the incubation logo in prominent locations, including the project’s major web properties and including the word "incubation" or warning that products shipped as part of a release may include incubating components.
Incubating branding includes:
Display the incubation logo on their project web page (if they have one);
Display the incubation logo on their project’s primary download page;
Include the word "incubation" in the filename of all downloadable files (when technically feasible) for builds; and
When technically feasible, include the word "incubation" in features (e.g. about dialogs, feature lists, and installers).
There are no incubation branding requirements for any user-facing elements.
For projects that produce OSGi artifacts, include the word "incubation" in the Bundle-Name, feature names, and p2 repositories. The word "incubation" should not be included in technical namespaces, especially when it may result in confusion when the project exits incubation. Do not include the word "incubation" in an OSGi bundle’s Bundle-SymbolicName, or a Java package name. |
Incubation Mailing List
The incubation mailing list exists to facilitate discussions related to the incubation phase, allowing project committers to ask questions about Eclipse Foundation processes, seek guidance from the Eclipse Architecture Council, Eclipse Management Organization, and connect with other community members involved in projects in the incubation phase.
New committers are encouraged to join the incubation mailing list; this list is a good place to ask questions about process, services available, and other aspects of working as a committer.
New project teams are usually eager to get started generating content. In addition to creating fantastic content, there are a few things to remember:
- Use the resources assigned to the Eclipse project by the Eclipse Foundation
Making it so that people who are outside of the development team (that is, the contributors) have the ability to access the most up-to-date version of the project code is an absolute requirement. To that end, committers must push content directly into designated open repositories. Eclipse project committers must never stage to a private or semi-private repository and then periodically sync to the open repository; employing this sort of strategy raises a significant barrier for entry that makes it impossible for anybody else to participate.
Likewise, the issue trackers associated with the project’s GitLab and GitHub repositories must be used for all issues related to the open source project.
- Engage in the IP due diligence process
Your first contribution (usually existing code) will form the project’s initial contribution. After you’ve populated your repositories, the Eclipse IP Team will engage in a review and may provide you with feedback. The team will engage with the project team via the project leads.
The intellectual property due diligence process is available to assist your Eclipse open source project in vetting contributions and referenced third party content content.
- Ensure that contributors have signed Eclipse Contributor Agreement
Contributors to your project who are not committers are required to electronically sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA). Systems are in place to help you know when a contribution is or is not covered by an ECA (e.g., hooks are added to GitLab and GitHub projects to ensure that the authors of commits included in merge and pull requests are covered by the ECA).
Your project’s committers are all covered by a committer agreement; committers who are already covered by a committer agreement are not required to also sign the ECA.
- Provide legal documentation
Project repositories must have certain documentation. All members of the various communities that grow around your project expect to find a README file in the repository root with information about the project. We require that all projects have a CONTRIBUTING file that describes how to contribute to the project (e.g., what branches are active, how to build, that an ECA is required by contributors, etc.). It’s also become standard to expect that Git repositories a LICENSE file in the root that contains the full text of the project license.
The absolute low bar with regard to community development is to provide basic legal documentation for the project.
All source files must, when technical feasible, include a copyright and licence header.
- Keep technical metadata up-to-date
Ensure that all metadata in technical resources (e.g.,
files) is as complete and as accurate as possible.-
Specify licence data at the module level;
Specify licences as an SPDX identifier or expression; and
Specify all possible metadata for your software components (e.g., name, description, organisation, SCM, and issue management).
- Be vendor neutral
In order to be truly open, people need to feel welcome to contribute. This is easier if the project is vendor neutral. A vendor neutral project is not dominated by any organisation or organisations; meritocracy should be based on the contributions of an individual, not the goals or hiring practices of any specific organisation. Make growing your communities a priority.
Essential to the Purposes of the Eclipse Foundation is the development of the three inter-related communities around each Project, and the Incubation Phase is the best time to start forming those communities:
- Developers
A thriving, diverse and active community of developers is the key component of any Eclipse project. Ideally, this community should be an open, transparent, inclusive, and diverse community of committers and (non-committer) contributors. Attracting new contributors and committers to an open source project is time consuming and requires active recruiting, not just passive openness. The project leadership must make reasonable efforts to encourage and nurture promising new contributors.
Projects must have the diversity goals to ensure diversity of thought and avoiding relying on any one company or organisation. Diversity is a means to an end, not an end in itself, thus diversity goals will differ by project based on the other accomplishments of the project(s).
There is evidence that having a single company with a focused, well socialised team, is a good way to start up a challenging new project. We do not want to discourage this start-up method, but we do want to ensure that for a project to move into the Mature Phase, it has an expanded committer community.
- Users
An active and engaged user community is proof-positive that the project’s work is useful and needed. Furthermore, a large user community is one of the key factors in creating a viable ecosystem around an Eclipse project, thus encouraging additional open source and commercial organisations to participate. Like all good things, a user community takes time and effort to bring to fruition, but once established is typically self-sustaining.
- Adopters
An active and engaged adopter community is only way to prove that an Eclipse project is providing extensible frameworks and extensible tools accessible via documented APIs. Reuse of the project’s content within the companies that are contributing to the project is necessary, but not sufficient to demonstrate an adopter community. Again, creating, encouraging, and nurturing an adopter community outside of the project’s developers takes time, energy, and creativity by the project leadership, but is essential to the project’s long-term open source success.
Projects are expected to make substantial progress on establishing these communities during their Incubation Phase.
Graduating from Incubation
Incubation Phase projects will eventually graduate, signifying that the project code base has stabilised and that the project team is familiar with the Eclipse Development Process.
Graduation Reviews are generally combined with a release review.
For projects with larger initial code bases, we encourage the project to have at least one interim release before attempting a graduation release. The process of finishing the code, tests, and documentation to a release standard, plus ensuring that community standards have been addressed can be daunting; engaging in the release process while in incubation phase, gives the project team an opportunity to practice. |
The project checklist provides some general criteria to determine whether or not a project is ready to exit the incubation phase.
The project lead(s) are responsible for requesting a Graduation Review when the project leadership believes the project meets the exit criteria.
Project Roles
The Eclipse Foundation Development Process defines multiple formal open source project roles. Primary among the roles are those of Committer, Project Lead, and Project Management Committee.
For Eclipse projects (and the open source world in general), committers are the ones who hold the keys. Committers are either appointed at the time of project creation, or elected by the existing project team.
Committers decide what code goes into the code base, they decide how a project builds, and they ultimately decide what gets delivered to the adopter community. With awesome power, comes awesome responsibility, and so the Open Source Rules of Engagement described by the Eclipse Foundation Development Process, puts meritocracy on equal footing with transparency and openness: becoming a committer isn’t necessarily hard, but it does require a demonstration of merit.
Operate in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner;
Write code (and other project content) and push it directly into the project’s source code repository;
Review contributions (merge and pull requests) from contributors;
Engage in the Intellectual Property Due Diligence Process;
Vote in committer and project lead elections;
Engage in the project planning process; and
Otherwise represent the interests of the open source project.
Project Lead
Eclipse projects must have at least one project lead, and may have more than one. The project leads are the primary liaison between the project team and the Eclipse Management Organization(EMO). As the first link in the project leadership chain, project leads have responsibility to ensure that the project team is able to successfully implement the goals of the project in accordance with the Eclipse Foundation Development Process and Eclipse Foundation Intellectual Property Policy.
The EMO considers it a good practice to have more than one person in that role to ensure that there is continuity. There is no artificial maximum number of project leads for an Eclipse project: the main thing that the EMO is concerned with is that project leads are elected in a vendor neutral manner following public demonstrations of leadership (documented as comments on issues, contributions to mailing list discussions, etc.) that are cited in the nomination statement. The EMO specifically watches elections to ensure that vendor neutrality is observed.
Project leads are either appointed at the time of project creation or elected by their committer peers (an individual is generally expected to have served as a committer before being nominated for the project lead role). Project leads must also be committers, but the two roles are distinct.
Project leads are responsible for ensuring that project committers are following the rules. At the most basic level, the rules are the open source rules of engagement defined in the Eclipse Foundation Development Process (openness, transparency, and meritocracy), and we depend on them to make sure that team members understand their obligations under the IP Policy and are correctly implementing the Intellectual Property Due Diligence Process.
Project leads have the ability to retire committers: this is a power that must be used responsibly. A project lead needs to be able to support their decision to retire a committer. As a best practice, the project lead should give committers reasonable opportunity to retrain their status, and — should the decision be made to retire — committer retirements should be announced on the project’s primary communication channels including the dev-list.
When committers are disruptive or otherwise behaving in a manner that is detrimental to the project, the project lead should work with the PMC and the EMO to resolve the issue.
The six months of inactivity is more of a suggested period of time for considering retirement of committers; we defer to the judgement of the project lead to determine when and if somebody who is inactive should be retired. |
The project lead is not the technical lead. So it’s not strictly their responsibility to develop things like coding standards, project policies, and such. They are responsible, however, for making sure that those sorts of things get created and for making sure that the project team is working to complete shared goals.
A project lead is not necessary a technical lead. We have no formal designation of technical lead; this tends to occur organically. |
Any committer can initiate a review with the EMO, but the EMO will always copy the project lead(s) in related communication to ensure that they are aware that the committer is acting as their delegate.
Project leads can also request the EMO to initiate a restructuring review in case a project needs to change the meaning of the scope or make any other significant changes to one or more Projects.
Project Management Committee
A project management committee (PMC) is responsible for the operation of exactly one top-level project as defined by the Eclipse Foundation Development Process. Per the EDP, top-level projects sit at the top of the open source project hierarchy.
The PMC’s role is, fundamentally, to maintain the overall vision and operation of the top level project and all of the projects that fall within their purview. Very often (though it really depends on the nature of the top level project), the PMC will take a very active role in determining how their projects fit together, and how they communicate and interoperate. In pragmatic terms, the PMC ensures that projects are following the rules, set the standards over and above the basic requirements for releases and corresponding documentation, approves intellectual property contributions, and approves committer and project lead elections.
Top-level projects do not generally maintain open source content of their own, but rather provide oversight and guidance to those open source projects that fall under them in the project hierarchy. All projects that fall under a particular top-level project must fit within the mission and scope defined by the top-level project’s charter. In addition to mission and scope, the charter may further define other requirements or establish guidelines for practices by the project that fall under its purview.
The primary role of the PMC is to ensure that project teams are implementing the EDP and operating within the terms outlined by the top-level project’s charter. In particular, the PMC monitors project activity to ensure that project teams are operating in an open and transparent manner.
The PMC is responsible for defining and managing the structure of the top level project and the organisation of the open source (software and specification) projects contained within.
The PMC provides other oversight regarding the operation of open source projects. They review and approve progress reviews, and facilitate cross-project communication within the top level project.
A PMC has one or more PMC leads and zero or more PMC Members.
The PMC Lead is appointed by the Eclipse Foundation’s Board of Directors. When an existing PMC Lead retires, the EMO will work with the PMC to identify a replacement and then with the EMO(ED) to have that individual ratified by the board of directors.
PMC Members are appointed by the EMO(ED). The criteria by which PMC members are identified varies by PMC, but is generally by nomination and election within the existing PMC. Some PMCs are designed to be composed of representatives from some subset of the projects that operate under their purview. In such a case, the means of identifying members should be documented in the corresponding top-level project charter.
In the unlikely event that a member of the PMC becomes disruptive to the process or ceases to contribute for an extended period, the member may be removed by the unanimous vote of the remaining PMC members, subject to approval by the EMO. Removal of a PMC Lead requires approval of the Board.
PMC Role in the Intellectual Property Due Diligence Process
The Eclipse IP Team has limited technical knowledge and so relies on the PMC to use their relationship with the open source projects operating under their purview, their knowledge and experience with the community and related technology to provide technical insight. Specifically, the IP Team depends on the PMC to use their knowledge and experience with their community and technology to flag any potential issues that may not be obvious.
The PMC might, for example, know that the license for some content had been, at some point in the past, changed; or that some particular piece of content links in some non-obvious manner to other intellectual property that should also be vetted.
The PMC should not perform any detailed intellectual property analysis of content. The IP Team will engage in detailed analysis, identify license compatibility issues, and determine whether or not license headers have been appropriately applied, for example. |
The IP Team will connect with the PMC when their assistance is required.
PMC Role in Elections
The PMC reviews and approves (or vetoes) committer and project lead elections. The role of the PMC is validate that the election was run according to the open source rules of engagement and election process described in the Eclipse Foundation Development Process, and consistent with the Top-Level Project Charter.
In practical terms, the EMO depends on the PMC to validate that elections provide (either via the nomination statement, or by statements made by committers during the voting period) a transparent record of relevant contribution by the nominee and maintain vendor/employer neutrality.
From the EMO’s perspective, any single PMC member can review the election and — if they feel that the election was correctly run — approve it. Any single member can do this on behalf of the PMC. PMCs tend to do this opportunistically: the first PMC member who receives notice of the completed election does a quick review and approves (or not). In the general case, a PMC member will independently review and approve an election; in specific individual cases, the PMC member may decide that further investigation is required and engage with the rest of the PMC for guidance.
The PMC may, at its discretion, add requirements for elections involving projects that operate under its purview. The PMC must capture additional requirements (ideally in the Top-Level Project Charter or in a companion document) and apply them consistently. |
The PMC list is notified when elections require the PMC’s attention. Alternatively, PMC members can review elections that require their attention on the Notifications page.
Click the drop-down next to "Welcome, <name>" to access the Notifications page. |
PMC Role in Reviews
As part of the project leadership chain, the PMC is tasked with approving progress, release, and graduation reviews.
The criteria by which the PMC determines whether or not to approve a review, and the process that they follow to grant approval varies by PMC. In general, with this request for approval, the EMO seeks the advice of the PMC regarding whether or not projects under its purview are operating according to the open source rules of engagement. That is, the EMO expects that the PMC has some insight into the operation of the projects operating under their purview, and know whether or not project teams have what they need to be successful.
A project lead or committer must request PMC approval via email to the PMC’s mailing list. Any member of the PMC may approve the review by responding directly to the request with a +1
(that is, the EMO will interpret any single PMC member’s +1
as the PMC’s affirmative response).
The EMO monitors all PMC mailing lists and so will likely observe the PMC’s approval response. The EMO will acknowledge the approval via the issue being used to track the review. Since any single member of the PMC may approve a review on behalf of the entire PMC, the EMO purposely delays recording the approval in order to give other PMC members an opportunity to challenge their colleague. |
PMC Role in Grievance Handling
The PMC is a link in the project leadership chain. As such, the PMC has a role in the grievance handling process: they identify and document project dysfunction (with the responsibility to remove or replace disruptive committers).
The PMC is an important link in the project leadership chain, which is composed of the project’s project lead(s), the leadership of the parent project (if any), the PMC leads and PMC members, the EMO, and the Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation. In exceptional situations—such as projects with zero active committers, disruptive committers, or no effective project leads—the project leadership chain has the authority to make changes (add, remove) to the set of committers and/or project leads of that project, and otherwise act on behalf of the project lead.
PMC Representation
Every PMC is entitled to appoint one representative to the Eclipse Architecture Council.
Eclipse Architecture Council
The Eclipse Architecture Council serves the community by identifying and tackling any issues that hinder Eclipse’s continued technological success and innovation, widespread adoption, and future growth. This involves technical architecture as well as open source processes and social aspects. Comprising the finest technical leaders from all community stake holders, it is the council’s goal to keep the projects successful and healthy, the processes simple and smooth, and the communities vibrant and cohesive.
More concretely, the Eclipse Architecture Council serves four basic purposes:
To maintain and interpret the Eclipse Foundation Development Process;
To provide advice to the Eclipse Management Organization;and
To contribute best practices and advice to Eclipse open source projects.
Every PMC may appoint a representative to the Architecture Council to represent the interests of the PMC and corresponding Top-level Project. Every Strategic Member of the Eclipse Foundation may also appoint a representative. Other Architecture Council Members are nominated and voted on by the Architecture Council itself, and appointed by the council by the Eclipse Foundation’s Executive Director. Appointed members serve a two year renewable term.
In practice, the two year renewable term for appointed members of the Architecture Council are automatically renewed with no formal ceremony. |
The Architecture Council interacts primarily via their mailing list. List participation is limited only to Architecture Council members and subscription to the list is automatic. Additionally, the Architecture Council meets (remotely) every month for a one-hour closed discussion (with public minutes).
Committers and Project Leads should connect with the Architecture Council via their PMC.
Specification Committee
Specification committees are a feature of working groups and operate under the terms defined in the corresponding working group’s charter.
A specification committee plays an important role in the governance of specification projects that operate under their purview according to the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process (EFSP). For completeness, specification committees have no role in the governance of regular (technology) open source projects (that is, projects that are not engaged in the process of creating specifications).
For more information about specification committees, please see Specification Committee in the Specifications section of this document. |
Eclipse Management Organization (EMO)
The Eclipse Management Organization (EMO) consists of the Eclipse Foundation staff, and the Eclipse Architecture Council. The EMO is responsible for providing services to the projects, facilitating project reviews, resolving issues, and more. The EMO is the maintainer of the Eclipse Foundation Development Process. The best method of contact with the EMO is by email ( If you have a question that cannot be answered by project lead, or PMC, ask the EMO.
Other Roles
While it is natural to have one or more committers become technical leaders in the project team, there is no formal technical lead role defined in the Eclipse Foundation Development Process (EDP). Likewise, while it is natural for certain members of a specification project team to become leaders in the specification process, there is no formal notion of specification lead (or "spec lead") defined in the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process (EFSP). Any de facto technical or specification lead does not have any special authority beyond that which is granted to them by the other project committers.
The committers in a project team have some say over who their leaders are and what powers they grant to those leaders. While the role is not specifically defined for this sort of thing, the project lead role could be granted decision making powers. It is completely reasonable for a project team to decide, for example, that somebody in the project lead role must approve of all commits and anybody with that role can mitigate potential rogue actions by rolling back commits. One of the key benefits of organising in this manner is that project lead is an elected position, so project committers have a build-in process for capturing the decision to grant those extra powers.
For many open source projects, the committers follow the natural leaders. But when a more formal relationship is desired, it must be arrived at by consensus of the project team (via public channels) and documented clearly so that everybody can understand how the project team works (making it very clear how a project team works is a critically important aspect of growing diversity in an open, transparent, and meritocratic open source project team). If the project team decides, for example, that all committers must contribute their updates as pull requests that may only be merged by a project lead, then that must be documented (it’s fairly common for project teams to require that pull requests from one committer be merged by a different committer). When the role is formally defined, it’s also important to document how a committer ascends to into that role (to be clear, in the spirit of vendor neutrality, this criteria cannot be based on employment status).
Any rules that a project team decides to adopt don’t have to apply homogeneously across the entire project; a specification project team could decide, for example, that all contributions of text to a specification document must be approved by project lead before they can be merged, but that all committers can just merge their contributions to an API. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Project Lead a super-committer?
Sort of. The project lead role does not automatically grant the individual committer privileges, but all project leads must also be committers. In practice, a project lead has all of the privileges of a committer plus the privileges of a project lead, and so are effectively super-committers.
There is no specific requirement for project leads to wear capes.
Is there a Project Manager role?
The Eclipse Foundation Development Process does not define a project manager role. The role of a project manager is not typically defined in open source governance models. Rather the focus is on clearly defining various roles and responsibilities within the community to ensure effective management and contribution.
Vendor neutrality is one of the main drivers for bringing an open source project to the Eclipse Foundation, and when the project is doing open source right (according to our rules of engagement), the project team will have a diversity of interests represented. That is, the project team will have committers on the team that come from a variety of different employers (including self-employed).
In that ideal state where committers represent diverse interests, having a designated manager assigning tasks to specific individuals doesn’t actually work. There’s no notion of centralised authority.
The Eclipse Foundation Development Process does not formally define a project manager role. We can think of the project lead role as having project management sorts of responsibilities, but the responsibilities of a project lead are more concerned with ensuring the project team understands their responsibilities and are engaging in practices that are consistent with the Eclipse Foundation Development Process, the intellectual property policy, and the goals of the project.
Generally, open source projects are managed though collaboration, consensus building, and compromise.
Can the PMC push content into subproject repositories?
No. PMC Members do not automatically have commit privileges. They must earn their place as a committer on subprojects just like any other contributor.
Committer Badges
The role of a committer is one of great responsibility within open source communities. Committers are individuals who have demonstrated their expertise, commitment, and contribution to a project or community and have earned the trust of the existing committers or project maintainers.
Committers have write access to the source code repositories. They have the authority to directly contribute changes to the codebase and have their contributions integrated into the project. This role often involves reviewing and merging code submissions from other contributors, ensuring that the code meets the project’s standards and maintaining the stability and quality of the codebase.
Being a committer requires technical skills, knowledge of the project’s codebase and development practices, and a strong understanding of the project’s goals and objectives. Committers are responsible for making important decisions related to the project’s direction, resolving conflicts, and ensuring that the project evolves according to its roadmap.
The role of a committer comes with a set of obligations and responsibilities, such as actively participating in discussions, providing guidance and support to other contributors, and upholding the project’s values and standards. Committers play a crucial role in shaping the project, maintaining its integrity, and fostering a collaborative and inclusive community.
Becoming an Eclipse committer is a significant accomplishment, reflecting the continuous dedication, contribution, and earned trust of the community.
The Eclipse Foundation awards this badge to certify developers who have attained committer status within the Eclipse Foundation’s Community.
Who is Entitled to Receive the Badge?
Everybody who has committer status on one or more Eclipse Projects is eligible to receive the badge.
How Do I Get the Badge?
Roll out starts after EclipseCon 2023 (November 2023). From that point forward, we will offer the badge to all new committers when we have their fully executed committer agreement.
If you work for a member company, then we most likely already have a Member Committer and Contributor Agreement on file for you; we might otherwise require that you complete an Individual Committer Agreement. The EMO Records Team will help you sort this out. |
Roll out to existing committers will occur in stages with anticipated completion in early 2024.
Former committers can request the badge by sending a note to EMO Records Team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to accept the Committer badge?
Do I have to be an Eclipse Committer to receive the badge?
How do I become an Eclipse Committer?
The most common way for somebody to join an Eclipse Foundation open source project as a committer is to be elected to an active project. All Eclipse open source projects operate in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner, so the path to becoming a committer starts with participation: clone the repository, make some changes, and contribute those changes as a merge/pull request. Then do it again.
After you have demonstrated, through a pattern of high quality contributions, that you understand how the open source project works, and that you understand the Eclipse Foundation Development Process and are prepared to implement the Eclipse IP Policy, an existing committer will invite you to join the team and initiate an election. Committer elections start with a nomination by an existing committer that includes a statement of merit that usually takes the form of a list of the various contributions that the individual has made to the project.
What constitutes a sufficient demonstration of merit varies by project team.
For more information, please see Committers.
Do I have to make a specific number of contributions to receive the badge?
No. The role of Eclipse committer is awarded to individuals who have already demonstrated to the project team and community that they understand the responsibilities inherent in the role. If the contributions that you’ve made are sufficient enough for the project team to elect you into the role, then you’re eligible to receive the badge.
How do I request the Committer badge?
Current and former committers can send a note to EMO Records Team to request the badge.
I’m a committer on multiple Eclipse open source projects, do I get multiple badges?
No. You get one. Don’t be greedy.
I was an Eclipse committer in the past, but no longer have committer status; am I entitled to the badge?
Yes. Send a note to EMO Records Team to request the badge.
What can I do with the badge?
You can add the badge to your professional profiles, such as LinkedIn, to highlight your expertise and stand out to potential employers or clients. By sharing your badge on social media platforms, you can increase your visibility and attract the attention of potential employers, colleagues, or collaborators. It serves as a powerful endorsement of your skills and can lead to networking opportunities.
Show it to your mom.
What is Credly?
Credly is a digital credentialing platform that allows individuals and organisations to create, issue, and manage digital badges.
Do I need an account with Credly to accept the badge?
Yes. You have the option to create an account or you can sign into Credly using your existing Google or Apple account.
You will have to agree to Credly’s privacy policy and terms of use in order to access the badge.
Project Resources and Services
Open source projects at the Eclipse Foundation are required to make use of certain Eclipse Foundation services:
All project issues must be tracked in the issue tracker assigned to the project;
Source code must be maintained in source code repositories assigned to the project (Eclipse Foundation GitLab, Eclipse Foundation-managed GitHub, or Eclipse Foundation Gerrit);
All third party content used by the project must be vetted;
Downloads (when provided) must be distributed via an Eclipse downloads server;
Developer (committer) communication must occur in the dev-list provided to the project by the Eclipse Foundation; and
Projects must keep their Project Metadata up-to-date.
The Eclipse Foundation provides the following services (high level) for Eclipse open source projects:
IT and Infrastructure
Git hosting on GitLab or GitHub (including issue tracking, wikis, CI/CD pipelines, etc.);
Jenkins-based build infrastructure via our Common Build Infrastructure;
Artifact signing;
Chat service based on Matrix protocol;
IT support via the Help Desk;
Security audits;
Vulnerability reporting (the Eclipse Foundation is a CNA);
Financial support to subsidise the creation of a project logo;
The Adopters Programme;
Space on our web server for a project website;
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property due diligence support;
Legal framework and infrastructure to mitigate the legal risk associated with contribution via the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) and Developer’s Certificate of Origin (DCO);
Guidance for projects to ensure that legal documentation and metadata is provided in a vendor neutral and consistent manner;
Open source project governance
Project trademark assistance and management;
A programme for creating specifications;
Thought leadership
Best practices based on industry trends (e.g., SBOMs and AI in open source)
Open, Transparent, and Meritocratic
As discussed in the Eclipse Foundation Development Process and throughout this document, Eclipse open source projects operate in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner.
In this regard, all project resources are publicly accessible. Put another way, Eclipse open source projects have no private resources. All content repositories, mailing lists, discussion forums, etc. are publicly accessible. Exceptions may be made with the approval of the PMC and EMO; and only when there is some legal reason or technical limitation that requires an exception.
Project resources make use of two sorts of IDs:
- Short name
The short name is used in various parts of Eclipse Foundation infrastructure (e.g. the name of the project’s directory on the downloads and Git servers, and the URL for the project website). The short name may contain lowercase alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underlines; but does not contain periods.
- Qualified identifier
The project’s short name is joined with the short name of the parent project(s) to form a qualified identifier (project id) for the project that is used as a key on services generated and/or maintained for the project by the Eclipse Foundation.
For example the "Eclipse Woolsey" project has a short name of "woolsey"; its qualified identifier is "technology.dash.woolsey", indicating that it is a subproject of the an Eclipse Dash Project which is itself a subproject of the Eclipse Technology Top Level Project.
Source Code Management
We tend to incorrectly refer to all project content as source code. As a general rule, when we refer to source code, we mean all content (including documentation, configuration, image files, etc.) that is maintained in a source code repository (e.g., Git). |
Eclipse projects must maintain project content (source code, documentation, configuration, etc.) in the repositories assigned to the project by the Eclipse Foundation. These official repositories must be the exclusive source of all content delivered via the project’s distribution channels (e.g. the download server).
In order for the project to operate in an open manner, it must be possible for potential contributors to have access to the code base in its most current form, so all ongoing development must be regularly pushed to these canonical repositories. |
Git Commit Records
Git commit records are required to take a specific form. The credentials of the actual author must be used to populate the Author
field. The author credentials must specify the author’s actual (legal) name and email address. The email address used must match the email address that the Eclipse Foundation has on file for the author (case-sensitive).
The commit message is divided into three sections:
One line (max 72 characters) summary;
Description; and
commit d6cf52411377a039fc2906378711091a26e932cb
Author: Some Body <>
Date: Wed May 29 16:17:36 2013 +0200
Bug 350686 - Hide unwanted action bar items
This change hides unwanted 'Link with Editor' and
'Customize View...' items from the local toolbar
and the view menu.
Change-Id: Ia2bd5091303d1b0a738157effc24e4dac5a7d0c7
Also-by: Some Bodyelse <> 
The email address of the author must match the email address on the Eclipse Foundation Account, the name "Some Body" must be replaced by the real name of the person. | |
Best practice: include the bug id in the commit message summary. | |
Gerrit Change-Id (only when pushing to Gerrit for review). |
Additional authors can be added using Also-by or Co-authored-by entries, by replacing the name "Some Bodyelse" by the real name of the person (use one entry per person). |
The name used in the |
The summary line is used in many places where Git commits are listed, ensure that this line is sensible by itself. The description area should be used to provide more detail about the commit. The footer area is used for extra fields and values.
If the bug id is included in the summary line (using the form "Bug 12345 - xxx" or "[12345] xxx") Gerrit Code Review will automatically add a link in the corresponding Bugzilla record back to the Gerrit record (this, of course, only applies to commits pushed to Gerrit).
The Change-Id
is used by Gerrit Code Review to associate new versions of a change back to its original review. This field need only be specified if the repository is managed by Gerrit.
An Also-by
(or Co-authored-by
) entry can be added for each additional author of a commit (one committer per entry). This might apply, for example, if a commit has been authored via pair-programming, or the commit is the result of collapsing multiple commits authored by multiple developers. To be considered valid the entry must take the form Also-by: Name <email>
Authors who are not committers on the project receiving the commit must have an Eclipse Foundation Account and must have a signed Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) on file.
The Eclipse Foundation maintains an instance of GitLab for use by Eclipse open source projects. Project teams may opt to host some or all of their canonical source code repositories on our GitLab instance.
Some of the terms used by GitLab — project in particular — have different meanings from those in the Eclipse Foundation Development Process (EDP). In order to make our meaning as clear as possible, we refer to GitLab projects as repositories and to Eclipse projects as Eclipse open source projects or (in the case where we mean a top-level project) Eclipse top-level projects. |
Any committer can create a Help Desk issue to request that the Eclipse IT Team create a new repository on, or move an existing repository to, the GitLab instance for their project. Note that the Eclipse IT Team will verify the request with the project leads. |
On GitLab, the root group for all Eclipse open source project repositories is eclipse
. Under that root, two nesting options are available: an Eclipse open source project’s group can be nested directly under the root, or can be nested in a group corresponding to the Eclipse top-level project. In both nesting options, repositories may be arbitrarily nested in subgroups created under the projects' group to organise the repositories. The custom subgroups are cosmetic only, as the same permissions are applied to the nested groups and do not provide any extra functionality.
Project Group
A group can be configured as the immediate descendant of the root group, using the Eclipse open source project’s short name.
├── <short name A>
│ ├── <repository 1>
│ ├── <repository 2>
│ └── ...
├── <short name B>
│ ├── <repository 1>
│ ├── <repository 2>
│ ├── <custom group 1>
│ │ ├── <repository 3>
│ └── ...
└── ...
For example, the Eclipse Dash project (short name: dash
) has a group of eclipse/dash
that might have repositories with the following URLs (note that these URLs are provided as examples and may not actually be real):
Top-level Project Group
A group can be configured as a descendant of the Eclipse open source project’s corresponding Eclipse top-level project’s group, which itself is an immediate descendant of the root group, using the short names. Configuring the Eclipse open source project’s GitLab group in this manner enables aggregation features such as the ability to list and search issues across related Eclipse open source project groups and repositories.
Configuring GitLab in this manner requires approval from the corresponding Eclipse top-level project’s Project Management Committee (PMC). |
├── <top-level project short name>
| ├── <short name A>
| │ ├── <repository 1>
| │ ├── <repository 2>
| │ └── ...
| ├── <short name B>
| │ ├── <repository 1>
| │ ├── <repository 2>
│ │ ├── <custom group 1>
│ │ │ ├── <repository 3>
| │ └── ...
│ └── ...
└── ...
For example, the Eclipse Dash project which is an Eclipse Technology (short name: technology
) subproject could have a group of eclipse/technology/dash
that might have repositories with the following URLs (note that these URLs are provided as examples and may not actually be real):
Access to GitLab Repositories
Project leads, committers, and contributors for each project are granted access to their project group according to their role within the project.
For information regarding the privileges available to each of the Maintainer, Developer, and Reporter roles indicated below, consult the GitLab Documentation. |
- Project Leads
All project leads are automatically granted the Maintainer role on their project resources hosted on GitLab. When an individual is elected into the role of project lead, they are automatically granted these permissions within the group. When a project lead is retired, they are automatically removed from the group.
With the Maintainer role, project leads have significant privileges on GitLab repositories. Project leads must not manipulate the configuration of GitLab groups and repositories in a manner that would violate the Eclipse Foundation Development Process or the Eclipse Foundation Intellectual Property Policy.
For example, project leads must not manipulate privileges and must specifically not add or remove developers directly. See Committer Elections for information on how to add developers to a project, and Committers Retirement for information on how to remove developers from a project.
Project leads must also not use their privileges to create private repositories, as this would violate the open source rules of engagement.
- Committers
All committers are automatically granted the Developer role on their Eclipse open source project resources hosted on GitLab. When an individual is elected into the role of committer, they are automatically added to the as a Developer to the Eclipse open source project’s group. When a project lead is retired, they are automatically removed from the group.
- Contributors
All contributors are automatically granted Reporter level access to Eclipse open source project resources hosted on GitLab. When an individual is added to the contributors list, they are automatically added as a Reporter in the Eclipse open source project’s group. When they are removed from the contributors list, they are automatically removed from the group.
The Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) hook inspects incoming merge requests to ensure that the contributor has a valid ECA on file, and flags those that do not. Eclipse open source project committers should only accept merge requests that pass this validation.
Bot Users
To assist with CI/CD operations, bots with CI/CD access can be requested by making a request within the help desk by either a project lead, or a committer with approval from a project lead. These bots may be added directly to repositories or to groups depending on the requirements.
Excluded Subgroups
Excluded Subgroups have been added to Project Management Infrastructure (PMI) project page to better support cases where third party non-project code needs to exist within a project group for stability, such as forks and mirrors. Once configured, these subgroups within the project groups to exclude from automated tooling such as the ECA checks. The excluded subgroups follow the standard access permissions and Project Leads can request updates to this field through the help desk.
Project teams may opt to host some or all of their canonical source code repositories to an organisation on GitHub that is maintained by the Eclipse Foundation. Both GitHub Issues and Wiki may also be used.
Any committer can open a Help Desk issue to request that the Eclipse IT Team create a new repository for their project on, or move an existing repository to, GitHub. A project may have more than one repository on GitHub. When making the request, the committer should describe—specifically and concisely—what they want to make happen. Note that the Eclipse IT Team will verify the request with the project leads.
Repositories can be hosted in the default eclipse
GitHub organisation, or a dedicated organisation can be created. Dedicated organisations use as their name, the conjunction of eclipse
with the project short name (e.g., eclipse-woolsey
The Eclipse IT Team installs some hooks onto all Eclipse project repositories on GitHub.
The Committers hook grants designated project committers write access to the GitHub-hosted project repositories. Project committers must add their GitHub id to their Eclipse Foundation account, and must use the email address they provide to the Eclipse Foundation as the email address in the author credentials of all commits.
The Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) hook will inspect incoming GitHub pull requests to ensure that the contributor has a valid ECA on file. Project committers should only merge green pull requests:
Since the GitHub API does not provide a way for a Committers hook to absolutely deny a merge by itself, the hook warns committers when the contributors have not signed an ECA.
Click on the Details link for more information. Committers must not merge commits unless they are certain that the contributor does have a valid ECA on file.
It is however possible to set up a Branch Protection Rule for branches to prevent that pull requests which fail the ECA validation are getting merged into them:
Access to GitHub Repositories
Eclipse Foundation scripts build and maintain a collection of GitHub Teams, each with permissions appropriate to the corresponding Eclipse project roles (project lead, committer, and contributor).
The scripts require knowledge of the GitHub Id in order to add any individual to any of the teams. Be sure to include your GitHub Id in your Eclipse Foundation Account. |
GitHub’s Repository roles for an organisation document describes the permissions granted for each of the roles (Maintain, Write, and Triage) described below.
- Project Leads Team
All project leads are automatically added to the project leads team. All members of the project leads team are granted the Maintain role on their project’s GitHub repositories. When an individual is elected into the role of project lead, they are automatically added to the project leads team. When a project lead is retired, they are automatically removed from the team.
A project lead may request temporary Admin level access to their project’s repositories by creating a Help Desk issue with their request. The issue must describe what will be done using this new level of access and how long it will be needed.
With the Maintain role, project leads have significant privileges on GitHub repositories. Project leads must not manipulate the configuration of GitHub organisations and repositories in a manner that would violate the Eclipse Foundation Development Process or the Eclipse Foundation Intellectual Property Policy.
For example, project leads must not manipulate teams or privileges and must specifically not add or remove developers directly. See Committer Elections for information on how to add developers to a project, and Committers Retirement for information on how to remove developers from a project.
Project leads must provide their GitHub Id in their Eclipse Foundation Account.
- Committers Team
All committers are automatically added to the committers team. All members of the committers team are granted the Write role on their project resources hosted on GitHub. When an individual is elected into the role of committer, they are automatically added to the committers team. When a project lead is retired, they are automatically removed from the team.
Committers must provide their GitHub Id in their Eclipse Foundation Account.
- Contributors Team
All contributors are automatically added to the contributors team. All members of the contributors team are granted Triage level access to project resources hosted on GitHub. When an individual is added to the project’s Contributors list, they are automatically added to the contributors team. When they are removed from the Contributors list, they are automatically removed from the team.
Contributors must provide their GitHub Id in their Eclipse Foundation Account.
The Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) hook inspects incoming pull requests to ensure that the contributor has a valid ECA on file, and flags those that do not. Project committers should only merge pull requests that pass this validation.
Self-Service of GitHub Resources
The Eclipse Foundation offers self-service of GitHub resources via a tool named Otterdog.
Upon opting-in, a new repository .eclipsefdn will be created that hosts the GitHub configuration as code.
orgs.newOrg('adoptium') {
settings+: {
blog: "",
default_repository_permission: "none",
default_workflow_permissions: "write",
description: "The Adoptium Working Group promotes and supports high-quality runtimes and associated technology for use across the Java ecosystem",
members_can_change_project_visibility: true,
members_can_change_repo_visibility: true,
members_can_delete_repositories: true,
name: "Eclipse Adoptium",
readers_can_create_discussions: true,
security_managers+: [
twitter_username: "adoptium",
web_commit_signoff_required: false,
The following resource configurations are available:
Organisation Settings
Organisation Webhooks
Repositories and their settings
Branch Protection Rules
Committers can create pull requests for this repository with suggested changes. A workflow will automatically run, validate and highlight the changes:
The pull request needs to be approved by an Eclipse Foundation staff member and once its merged, the changes will get applied to GitHub.
The baseline configuration used by the Eclipse Foundation can be accessed here.
Gerrit Code Review
Gerrit provides web based code review and repository management for the Git version control system. Many projects use Gerrit to reduce barriers and encourage contribution to the project. As Gerrit is deprecated, we encourage projects to use GitLab or GitHub for code hosting.
Archiving Repositories
If a repository belonging to a project is unmaintained or deprecated and will not receive any further updates, it is good practice to clearly indicate that in the corresponding
files of the repository with a migration path if applicable.
Committers shall mark a deprecated repository as being archived
either by using the Self-Service of GitHub Resources or by opening a Help Desk issue to request assistance from the Eclipse IT Team.
Issue Trackers
Eclipse projects must use an Eclipse Foundation-provided issue tracker. Project teams may opt to use either the Eclipse Foundation GitLab instance or — for projects that use GitHub — GitHub Issues instances associated with Eclipse Foundation-managed GitHub project repositories.
Mailing Lists
Eclipse projects have one or more mailing lists.
Mailing lists take the following form: <shortname>-<extension>
, where <shortname>
is the project’s short name and <extension>
signifies the nature of the list (e.g.,
To create additional mailing lists for a project, a project leads should make the request by opening a Help Desk request. |
With the exception of channels created to discuss security issues while they are in quarantine, there are no private channels for project work. This means that we do not provide private mailing lists for any project activity and that all mailing lists use for project activity are configured to have a public archive.
Mailing list subscriptions are managed via your Eclipse Foundation Account.
Project Dev Lists
All projects are assigned a development list or dev-list that takes the form <shortname>
All project committers must subscribe to the list. The dev-list should be the primary means of communication between project committers and is the means through which the EMO and the Eclipse Foundation’s automated systems communicate with the project team.
PMC Lists
Every Project Management Committee (PMC) is assigned a PMC list that takes the form <shortname>
where <shortname>
is the short name of the corresponding top-level project (e.g.,
All PMC members must subscribe to this list. Project leads and committers from open source projects operating under the purview of the PMC may also subscribe to the list to monitor the activities of the PMC and interact as necessary (it’s common that project teams will designate one or more representatives to the PMC who will subscribe to the PMC list).
The PMC list should be the primary means of communication between PMC members and is the means through which the EMO and the Eclipse Foundation’s automated systems communicate with the PMC.
Committers Mailing List
All committers are automatically subscribed to the
mailing list. This list is used primarily as a means for the EMO and the Eclipse IT Team to communicate important information to all committers. We use this list sparingly.
Subscription to the committers mailing list is an obligation that comes with having committer status on an Eclipse open source project. The only way to remove yourself from this list is to retire yourself as a committer. |
Forums and Outbound Communication
All projects are assigned a user forum as a point of contact between the user and adopter communities, and the project developers.
The EMO strongly encourages the use of alternative communication channels for connecting with the community: project teams know their community and how to best connect with them.
Project Websites
Project websites are an excellent way to connect an open source project with the community. Many projects opt to use the Project Management Infrastructure (PMI) project page as their website. PMI-based website URLs take the form of<projectid>
Many project teams opt to create a custom main project website: if so-desired, a project may host a website on Eclipse Foundation-hosted servers. Project website URLs generally take the form<shortname>
). Custom project website content is maintained in Git repositories hosted on Eclipse Foundation infrastructure. A background job moves content from the Git repository to the website; content pushed to the repository will appear on the live website within five minutes.
If a project website has not already been created for your project, open a Help Desk issue to request that the Eclipse IT Team create one. The Eclipse Webdev team provides a Hugo-based project website template that you can use. |
Project websites must implement the branding guidelines for project websites.
The Project Management Infrastructure (PMI) provides the main project website. Website URLs take the form of<projectid>
Websites not hosted by the Eclipse Foundation are considered community portals and are subject to the Eclipse Foundation Trademark Usage Guidelines (the Eclipse Foundation asserts ownership of all project name trademarks). Furthermore, projects may be required to comply to specific security guidelines and requirements outlined by the Eclipse Foundation’s Security team.
Analytics and Data Collection
If your project website or any other property maintained by or on behalf the project team uses Google Analytics or otherwise collects information, there may be privacy and data protection concerns that you’ll need to address. The Data Protection Impact Assessment Guidelines and Eclipse Foundation Hosted Services Privacy and Acceptable Usage Policy describe the Eclipse Foundation’s policy and your obligations.
Vendor-Specific Links
Organisations who are investing in an open source project may want to provide links on the project website (or in other content related to a project: a README
file, for example) to related professional services that they offer.
Including links to vendor-specific services related to an Eclipse open source project is completely consistent with the Eclipse Foundation Development Process.
Vendor-neutrality must be observed. Care needs to be taken to make sure that there is no confusion that the project itself is an Eclipse open source project, and not a Vendor X open source project. In that context, including references and links to vendors who provide services for an open source project is fine, so long as others can participate via the same set of rules.
It is inappropriate to provide vendor-specific references and links for services in technical documentation. |
The rules for inclusion of vendor-specific references need to be captured (even if only informally). A project team might, for example, decide that links to related vendor services are permitted only in cases where the vendor has an active committer on the project.
Vendor-specific links should be a statement of fact without qualification or anything that looks like an advertisement or endorsement (that is, "Vendor X provides services related to this project" is acceptable, but "Vendor X is the preferred services provider for this project" is not). It must be very obvious to users browsing the project content that the links to vendor-specific services lead to content that is separate from the open source project (for example, links to vendor-specific content on a project website must lead to web pages with a distinctive appearance to avoid misleading the user into thinking that the services provider page is part of the open source project’s website).
Links to vendor-specific services must be directly related to the project.
Use of Eclipse Foundation-provided and hosted build services, the so-called Common Build Infrastructure (CBI) is strongly recommended, but not strictly required.
Whether or not a project chooses to make use of provided build resources, it must be possible for members of the community to build project artifacts from source code with reasonable effort.
Signed Artifacts
Where technically sensible, all downloadable artifacts should be signed by an Eclipse Foundation certificate.
The project is allocated space on the Eclipse download and archive servers.
Project artifacts (e.g. downloads) can be distributed via third party services (e.g. Maven Central), but — where technically sensible — the Eclipse Foundation-provided infrastructure must be considered the primary source of project downloads.
Project committers can upload project artifacts to the project’s directory on the download server. The short name is used to denote the area available to the project (e.g.
for the technology.dash
project) via SFTP or SCP, or from a Eclipse Foundation hosted build infrastructure.
External Resources
Project teams may use services that are not hosted by the Eclipse Foundation (e.g. GitHub or DockerHub).
The following rules apply:
The Eclipse Foundation’s branding rules must be observed;
External services must not add legal terms or conditions that invalidate the project licenses or copyrights;
One or more project committers must have ownership rights; and
The usual level playing field must be observed.
Even when using services not hosted by the Eclipse Foundation, project teams are required to operate in an open, transparent, meritocratic, and vendor-neutral manner. Use of the service must not add an unreasonable access barrier for contributors, and no single individual or company can exert exclusive control of the service. Administrative level control of the service must be shared by as diverse a subset of the project committers as possible, and a documented policy must be established for managing that control.
All services require that users conform to some sort of terms of use that likely dictate copyright and licensing terms. Project leads must take care to ensure that those terms of use are not at odds with the project license or impact the copyright ownership of project contributions.
Source code, documentation, issues/tickets/bug reports must all be maintained using resources that are provided and managed by the Eclipse Foundation. |
External resources can be used for:
This list is not exhaustive. Project leads should work with their Project Management Committee (PMC) and the EMO to determine the terms and conditions for an external resource are compatible with the project license(s), the Eclipse IP Policy, and Eclipse Foundation Development Process.
Legal Documentation for External Resources
External resources must, where possible, include links to:
The Eclipse open source project’s official website;
The Eclipse Foundation’s Terms of Use;
The Eclipse Foundation’s Privacy Policy;
The Eclipse Foundation’s Community Code of Conduct; and
The Eclipse Foundation’s Communication Channel Guidelines.
These links can be provided in a field, a README, or on directly accessible (i.e., linked) web page.
The Eclipse Foundation owns several organisations on DockerHub, including eclipse, locationtech, and polarsys, but does not formally support or strictly manage the use of these organisations.
For more information, please see CBI/DockerHub in the Eclipse wiki.
Content distributed via official Eclipse Foundation channels must be complete enough that a consumer can (with reasonable effort) use it without needing the DockerHub distribution. That is, the DockerHub distribution needs to be considered a convenient way to leverage the content, not the only way. Please make sure that you treat any links or related discussion that you have on an Eclipse Foundation property about images distributed via DockerHub as an unofficial channel. |
Subject to the rules for the use of external resources, a project team can create and maintain their own organisation on DockerHub. The organisation name must follow the pattern eclipse-<shortname>
(e.g. eclipse-woolsey
) or some variation (e.g. eclipsewoolsey
). As indicated in the rules, ownership of the organisation must be shared by a subset of project committers and the project must have a documented policy regarding how access to that organisation is managed.
Additionally, a PMC may decide to create and manage an organisation for the Top-Level Project. The PMC may have their own policy regarding the use of DockerHub. Project teams should consult with their PMC to determine which approach is best suited for the project.
Maven Central
The Eclipse Foundation has no formal relationship with Maven Central or staging providers like OSSRH. Eclipse project teams are, however, welcome to use these services as a distribution channel.
By convention, the groupid
should be of the form org.eclipse.<shortname>
(e.g. org.eclipse.dash
for the technology.dash
project). Project teams should work with their PMC if some exception to this convention is required (and take care to avoid infringing on the namespaces of other projects). The form of the artifactid
should be determined by the project team. The version number should follow the standard Semantic Versioning pattern. All pre-release builds must be appropriately labelled (e.g. 1.0M3
for pre-release builds of version 1.0
Project teams must engage in the Project Releases and Reviews process before labelling any software as a release version.
The Eclipse Release Engineering Team has provided some help regarding the use of Maven Central in the Eclipsepedia Wiki.
Chat Service
The chat service is a great way for projects to communicate and to connect with the community, provide real-time support, and to discuss project-related topics.
Eclipse project committers can request rooms/spaces for their project on the chat service. By default, the channel name is of the form #<shortname>
where <shortname>
is the project’s short name identifier (e.g. #dash
for the technology.dash
project) and located by default in the space.
Custom rooms/spaces organisation can be requested, see the following examples:
All requests for new rooms/spaces have to be made by opening a Help Desk issue.
The chat service can be accessed via the web client at or by using a Matrix client (e.g. Element, NeoChat, or any other Matrix client) via the
For more information, please see the documentation here:
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get write access to a particular GitLab/GitHub project?
Only committers have the ability to write to GitLab/GitHub projects that are managed by the Eclipse Foundation on behalf of Eclipse open source project repositories.
In order to get write access, you must be elected as a committer on the corresponding Eclipse by an existing committer. In order to get access to a GitHub project, you must also provide your GitHub Id in your Eclipse Foundation Account.
Can we connect service X to an Eclipse project’s GitHub Repositories?
Our primary concern is that all decision making and planning (and related discussion) for the Eclipse open source project must be done in a manner consistent with the Open Source Rules of Engagement (open, transparent, and meritocratic) defined in the Eclipse Foundation Development Process.
Growing a community and diversifying the project committers is a goal of every Eclipse open source project. Nothing quite kills a community’s enthusiasm like pointers to related issues that they don’t have access to, hints that there is a higher level of planning that they do not have access to, or otherwise suggest that the project is not being run in an entirely vendor-neutral manner.
Care must be taken to ensure that all decisions regarding the direction taken by the project are being driven the committers.
If you believe that the Eclipse project can be run as independent vendor neutral open source with the service attached, that is transparent and open to all comers and that there is a level playing field with a path that community members can follow to demonstrate merit and earn equal access to all project planning (that is, become committers), then you can request that the service be attached by creating a Help Desk issue.
Can a project use the gh-pages support from GitHub to host at
What help is available to create a custom project website?
The Eclipse Webdev team provides a Hugo-based project website template that you can use. Open a Help Desk issue to request assistance.
How do I build my project’s website with Jenkins?
There’s help here.
Can we use a GitHub repository for our project website source?
Yes, you can use a GitHub repository for your project website source. Create a Help Desk issue to request support.
Do we have to use the Eclipse Foundation-provided download server?
If you provide content to your community via any form of click-to-download notion, then the Eclipse Foundation-provided download server must be the primary source of that content. If, however, the concept of a download doesn’t make sense for the sort of content that your project provides (e.g. your community consumes your context exclusively through Maven Central, or if source code is the only content delivered by the project), then you aren’t required to provide that content via the download server.
Can we host pre-release software (e.g. milestone builds) on Maven Central?
Reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that the consumer understands the pre-release nature of software. At a minimum, pre-release software must be labelled as such. A milestone build for version 1.0, for example, must be labelled as "1.0M1" (or similar). Pre-release software can be pushed to Maven Central, but due to the permanent nature of content that is pushed there, it will persist there indefinitely. Whether or not this is desirable is a decision that the project team should make with help from their PMC.
Can we use external services like OSSRH to stage pre-release builds?
Can an an Eclipse project accept anonymous code contributions?
No. All contributions must be associated with their author using their legal name and a real email address. In pragmatic terms, the contributor must provide their legal name and email address in the Git commit’s
field; the contributor must also have electronically signed the ECA using those same credentials.
Managing and Reporting Vulnerabilities
The Eclipse Foundation Vulnerability Reporting Policy contains information regarding obligations and specific practices regarding the reporting and disclosure of vulnerabilities.
Eclipse Foundation Security Team
The Eclipse Foundation Security Team provides help and advice to Eclipse projects on security issues and is the first point of contact for handling security vulnerabilities. Members of the Security Team are selected from the Eclipse Foundation staff.
You can contact the Eclipse Foundation Security Team by sending email to or by open an issue in the general vulnerability issue tracker.
Project’s Security Team
All project contributors are responsible for ensuring best security practices and following of the Eclipse Foundation Vulnerability Reporting Policy. However, a specific group called the Project’s Security Team is responsible for handling undisclosed vulnerabilities. It is up to the project and project’s leadership chain to organise the Project’s Security Team. In the absence of other decisions, the Project’s Security Team includes all committers.
The project might decide to include a subset of the committers in the team, for example based on their security experience. Any project committer can propose a creation of a separate Project’s Security Team. This is discussed by the project leadership and might be submitted to a vote of all committers. The same procedure applies to bringing the responsibility back to the complete group of committers.
The project must provide a security contact to the Eclipse Foundation Security Team and should communicate that contact information to potential reporters (like security researchers).
The following resources are recommended for each project’s security team:
A private security mailing list that is to be used only for discussion of undisclosed vulnerabilities in this project. All communication should move to public channels after disclosure;
A dedicated security project under the Eclipse Foundation GitLab instance security tracker for vulnerability reporting;
Enable private vulnerability reporting on GitHub when the project uses GitHub;
The Project’s Security Team members might grant access to specific issues to people outside of the team. Such rules should be defined by the Project’s Security Team and the PMC in advance.
Project Leads can define Project Security Team via PMI, in the Security section of the Edit tab (see screenshot below).
Project Setup for Vulnerability Reporting
The default project setup is to use general Eclipse Foundation reporting (see below). The strong recommendation is to list reporting methods clearly inside a
file in the main repository (also in other repositories if it makes sense) to help security researchers to communicate with the project in a secure way. Similar information should be available in the project’s documentation.
If the project decides to activate reporting via confidential issues (GitLab) or private security advisories (GitHub), please make a request via the Help Desk. The Eclipse Foundation Security team can train the project in using those means. When new reporting methods are set up, update your
In order to be able to set up, monitor, and also help projects dealing with security settings, new project are set up with members of the Eclipse Foundation Security team. Also, in GitHub repositories, if self-management is enabled, the project will include .eclipsefdn
repository. Please refer to the documentation for more information.
Vulnerabilities can be reported via a project-specific security tracker, or via general Eclipse Foundation means: an email to or an issue in the general vulnerability issue tracker.
The general security team email address can be used to report vulnerabilities in any Eclipse Foundation project. Members of the Eclipse Foundation Security Team will receive messages sent to this address. This address should be used only for reporting undisclosed vulnerabilities; regular issue reports and questions unrelated to vulnerabilities in Eclipse Foundation project software will be ignored. Note that this email address is not encrypted.
The community is encouraged to report vulnerabilities using the standard project-specific issue tracker. The appropriate link should be available in the project’s
file. In case of a doubt, use the general vulnerability issue tracker.
Security vulnerabilities should be reported as confidential issues (on GitLab), private security advisories (GitHub) or other confidential means. If unsure, use the general vulnerability issue tracker with the default template. |
Disclosure is initially limited to the reporter, the project team and the Eclipse Foundation Security Team, but is expanded to include other individuals, and the general public. The timing and manner of disclosure is governed by the Eclipse Foundation Vulnerability Reporting Policy.
Publicly disclosed issues are listed on the Known Eclipse Security Vulnerabilities page.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE)
The Eclipse Foundation is a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Numbering Authority and does assign CVE numbers to projects hosted by the Foundation.
A unique vulnerability number like a CVE allows developers, distributions and security researchers to talk about the same issue using a common name. It also helps the project documentation.
The project team can ask for a number when they learn about the vulnerability: by receiving a report or simply by discovering it. They can request the number before the fix is ready, as the request will be confidential until the project tells the Eclipse Foundation Security Team to publish it.
If you’re not sure whether or not a CVE is required, err on the side of caution and request one. If the reporter requests a CVE number, the Eclipse Foundation Security Team will assign one if there is a reasonable probability of a real Vulnerability. A CVE number related to a bugfix release gives users a clear sign that an update is strongly recommended. Think of a first CVE for your open source project as a rite of passage. Alerting your adopters of a vulnerability is a signal of maturity and responsibility to the open source community. |
Project can request CVE numbers in different ways depending on the project setup.
General case
For most projects the process looks as follows:
Request the number: When you know that there is a security issue (the fix is not yet needed at this point), go to the CVE Request form and fill it. Make sure to keep the issue confidential for now. If you want to make the issue visible to multiple project members, add them as assignees when creating the ticket (it will be hard later on).
Receive the number: The Eclipse Foundation Security Team will come back to you with the assigned number. You can start using it internally when preparing documentation of the release containing the fix.
Prepare the fix (with backports to all supported branches) and the release: The common practice is to avoid using the CVE number in the fix commit message or the fix itself. Use generic terms instead. The goal is to allow time for all users to upgrade without giving potential attackers too much information. See also the next step (you can do them in parallel).
Ask for publication of the issue: When you have the fix ready and published, update the ticket. Make sure that you specify the version (or versions) where the bug is fixed, including all stable branches. Fill in the description of the issue. You may also consider removing some of the comments (for example containing sensitive or incorrect information). At this stage you may decide to publish only partial information (for example without the link to the commit with the fix). Then ask the security team to make the CVE and the discussion of the CVE assignment public. Ideally your release and the publication happen at the same time. You can ask for a publication at your specific date, for example at your planned release date.
See it publicly: The ticket becomes public and the Eclipse Foundation Security Team publishes the CVE entry.
(Optional, a few days later) Update the entry with all additional information that might be helpful. That includes, for example, the link to the fix commit.
Project committers should make it clear if their request is a reservation of a CVE number, or a publication. |
When working with GitLab confidential issues, be careful. Only the author of the ticket, all committers in the project containing the issue tracker, and assigned people will see the issue and receive notifications. Adding new assignees who are not members of the project has no effect when the issue is already confidential. When in doubt, verify with the concerned person if they receive notifications by other communication means. |
The Tracking section of the request issue includes some checkboxes for the project team and for the Security Team. The Security Team will assign the CVE upon receipt of the request, but will not escalate (that is, they will not report the assignment of the CVE to the central authority) until after a project committer clearly indicates that they are ready to disclose the vulnerability.
Check the second checkbox when you’re ready for the Eclipse Foundation Security Team to submit the request to the central authority (that is, when you’re ready for the issue to be disclosed publicly).
If the project is using a GitHub Security Advisory to track mitigation of the vulnerability, the Security Team intervention may be required to submit the advisory. Click the third checkbox to indicate that you’re ready for the Security Team to submit the advisory on the project team’s behalf.
Projects Using Exclusively GitHub Security Advisories
If the project receives reports exclusively by private reporting with GitHub Security Advisories, the procedure is as follows:
Prepare the initial data: The project receives initial data in the report and assesses that it is a real vulnerability.
Request the number: When you know that there is a security issue (the fix is not yet needed at this point), go to the CVE Request form to request the number. You do not need to fill the complete form if all the information is available in your advisory - in this case just submit the link to the advisory in your CVE request.