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Re: [tools-pmc] [CQ 10263] vagrant Version: 1.7.2

> The third party package must not be installed automatically by a touch
> point. That seems too heavy handed, and depending on many other packaging
> details, users may end up installing the bundles/features but not really
> want to use it or be aware of extra things being installed. (There are
> other ways to make it easy to install, such as from preferences, but even
> there, the non-EPL license must be explicitly presented to the user, if
> you implement that "easy to install" preference). [Mylyn uses that model,
> or used to, for some of its connectors, if you need an example to follow].
> The functionality must be packaged as a feature, so easy for adopters or
> packages or users to leave out of their particular distribution or
> install, if desired.

Ok, so for now we'll leave it up to the user how the underlying vagrant tool
will make it onto the system, and in the future we'll show the license prior
to installation if we end up going in that direction. The plugins will be
packaged as a separate feature.

Roland Grunberg

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