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April 09, 2015
14:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9485] Version: 2.0.1 (Subset Spec License Removed) ( ATO CQ9456) emo-ip-team
03:27 Re: [tools-pmc] Committer vote for has been approved by the PMC Wayne Beaton
April 08, 2015
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9474] jersey-apache-connector Version: 2.14 (ATO CQ9110) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9473] jersey-media-json-jackson Version: 2.14 (ATO CQ9113) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9472] jersey-client Version: 2.14 (ATO CQ9109) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9471] jersey-common Version: 2.14 (ATO CQ9111) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9470] hk2-locator Version: 2.3.0 (ATO CQ9119) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9469] hk2-api Version: 2.3.0 (ATO CQ9114) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9468] hk2-osgi-resourcelocator Version: 2.3.0 (ATO CQ9115) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9467] hk2-utils Version: 2.3.0 (ATO CQ9116) emo-ip-team
11:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9466] jackson-jaxrs-providers Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9099) emo-ip-team
11:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9465] jackson-jaxrs-base Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9106) emo-ip-team
11:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9464] jackson-module-jaxb-annotations Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9105) emo-ip-team
11:26 Re: [tools-pmc] Committer vote for has been approved by the PMC David M Williams
11:16 [tools-pmc] Committer vote for has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of David Williams
11:11 Re: [tools-pmc] Fwd: PMC approval needed for committer vote for David M Williams
11:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9463] jackson-datatype-guava Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9100) emo-ip-team
11:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9462] jackson-dataformat-yaml Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9104) emo-ip-team
11:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9461] jackson-databind Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9101) emo-ip-team
11:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9460] jackson-annotations Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9102) emo-ip-team
11:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9459] jackson-core Version: 2.5.0 (ATO CQ9103) emo-ip-team
08:52 Re: [tools-pmc] Fwd: PMC approval needed for committer vote for David M Williams
03:12 [tools-pmc] Fwd: PMC approval needed for committer vote for Aleksandar Kurtakov
02:07 [tools-pmc] Fwd: PMC approval needed for committer vote for Aleksandar Kurtakov
00:00 [tools-pmc] Reminder to approve committer vote for portal on behalf of emo
April 07, 2015
16:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9456] Version: 2.0.1 emo-ip-team
10:29 [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Doug Schaefer has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Alexander Kurtakov
10:25 [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Doug Schaefer portal on behalf of emo
April 05, 2015
03:55 [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Eike Stepper has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Alexander Kurtakov
00:01 [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Eike Stepper portal on behalf of emo
April 03, 2015
01:42 [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Roland Grunberg has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Alexander Kurtakov
00:01 [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Roland Grunberg portal on behalf of emo
April 01, 2015
08:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9451] Improved code completion for function parameters emo-ip-team
March 30, 2015
10:17 Re: [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Doug Schaefer
10:13 [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for portal on behalf of emo
05:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9439] Improve the relation between settings of php debuggers and related owners emo-ip-team
05:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9437] cup version 11b-20150326 emo-ip-team
00:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9438] Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (using Orbit CQ1907) emo-ip-team
00:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9436] jna-platform Version: 4.1.0 emo-ip-team
00:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9435] jna Version: 4.1.0 emo-ip-team
March 27, 2015
15:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9432] atinject (Package javax.inject) Version: 1.0 (using Orbit CQ3555) emo-ip-team
15:13 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9431] AOP Alliance Version: 1.0 (ATO CQ2918) (using Orbit CQ3087) emo-ip-team
14:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9431] AOP Alliance Version: 1.0 (ATO CQ2918) (using Orbit CQ3087) emo-ip-team
March 25, 2015
14:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9422] bcpkix-jdk15on Version: 1.51 emo-ip-team
08:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9424] SLF4J Simple Binding (slf4j-simple-1.7.10.jar) Version: 1.7.10 ( PB Orbit CQ9138) emo-ip-team
07:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9376] Buildship Initial Contribution emo-ip-team
March 24, 2015
20:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9421] bcprov-jdk15on Version: 1.51 emo-ip-team
19:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9420] SLF4J API Version: 1.7.6 (PB CQ8839) emo-ip-team
19:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9419] Google Guava Version: 17.0 emo-ip-team
19:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9418] commons-compress Version: 1.8.1 emo-ip-team
07:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9416] JFlex 1.6.1 emo-ip-team
March 20, 2015
12:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9381] Gradle Tooling API 2.4 emo-ip-team
01:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9408] Gradle Tooling Commons ToolingUtils 0.3 emo-ip-team
01:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9407] Gradle Tooling Commons ToolingModel 0.3 emo-ip-team
01:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9406] Gradle Tooling Commons ToolingClient 0.3 emo-ip-team
March 19, 2015
01:42 [tools-pmc] Committer vote for Anton Leherbauer has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Alexander Kurtakov
00:02 [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Anton Leherbauer portal on behalf of emo
March 18, 2015
12:24 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions emo-ip-team
10:57 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions emo-ip-team
10:31 Re: [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions - request for exempt pre-req Doug Schaefer
09:40 Re: [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions - request for exempt pre-req Wayne Beaton
March 17, 2015
19:25 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions emo-ip-team
10:46 Re: [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions - request for exempt pre-req Doug Schaefer
10:40 Re: [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions - request for exempt pre-req David M Williams
March 16, 2015
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9398] log4j Version: 1.2.15 (Subset - see all comments) (ATO CQ2555) ( using Orbit CQ3560) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9397] javax.annotation Version: 1.1 (ATO CQ5014) (using Orbit CQ5121) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9396] atinject (Package javax.inject) Version: 1.0 (ATO CQ3555) ( using Orbit CQ3578) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9395] guice-multibindings Version: 3.0.0 (ATO CQ5060) ( using Orbit CQ6120) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9394] Google Guice / Inject Core API Version: 3.0.0 (PB Orbit CQ6118) ( using Orbit CQ7337) emo-ip-team
13:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9393] Google Guava Version: 15.0.0 (using Orbit CQ7766) emo-ip-team
13:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9391] log4j Version: 1.2.15 (PB CQ3560) emo-ip-team
12:33 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9389] Version: ?? (PB CQ3578) emo-ip-team
12:31 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9389] Version: ?? (PB CQ3578) emo-ip-team
12:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9390] javax.annotation Version: 1.1 (PB CQ5121) emo-ip-team
12:22 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9378] Gradle all versions emo-ip-team
12:12 Re: [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Trace Compass release Doug Schaefer
12:02 Re: [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Trace Compass release Gorkem Ercan
12:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9389] Version: ?? (PB CQ3578) emo-ip-team
12:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9388] guice-multibindings Version: 3.0.0 (PB CQ6120) emo-ip-team
12:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9387] Google Version: Guice (PB CQ7337) emo-ip-team
11:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9386] Google Guava Version: 15.0.0 (PB CQ7766) emo-ip-team
March 12, 2015
18:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9380] SLF4J API Module (slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar) Version: 1.7.10 ( PB Orbit CQ9134) emo-ip-team
17:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9379] Google Gson Version: 2.2.4 (PB Orbit CQ7729) emo-ip-team
16:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9377] Google Guava Version: 18.0 (PB CQ9085) emo-ip-team
08:50 Re: [tools-pmc] Request assistance for Eclipse Titan David M Williams
04:34 Re: [tools-pmc] Request assistance for Eclipse Titan Elemér Lelik
March 11, 2015
11:36 Re: [tools-pmc] Request assistance for Eclipse Titan David M Williams
March 10, 2015
10:44 [tools-pmc] Request assistance for Eclipse Titan Elemér Lelik
March 05, 2015
12:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9334] Apache Commons Compress Version: 1.6 (ATO CQ7668) ( using Orbit CQ7669) emo-ip-team
11:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9333] asm Version: 4.0 (ATO CQ6591) (using Orbit CQ7061) emo-ip-team
March 03, 2015
10:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9319] freemarker Version: 2.3.22 emo-ip-team
February 26, 2015
14:21 Re: [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Trace Compass release Doug Schaefer
14:20 Re: [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Trace Compass release Bernd Hufmann
14:16 Re: [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Trace Compass release Gorkem Ercan
13:20 Re: [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Trace Compass release David M Williams
12:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9313] [PATCH] Bug 459507 - Improvements for presentation model of debugger variables emo-ip-team
06:31 [tools-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Trace Compass release Bernd Hufmann
February 25, 2015
00:30 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9310] Apache Olingo OData2 Library, Release 2.0.0 (2014-07-11) ( ATO CQ8543) emo-ip-team
February 23, 2015
11:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9299] Export org.eclipse.mat.inspections. collections package for use by extensions emo-ip-team
06:00 [tools-pmc] [CQ 9298] JUnit Version: 4.12 (ATO CQ9232) emo-ip-team

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