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Re: [technology-pmc] Newsreader

[Tech-PMC, sorry for the double-post but I forgot to subscribe to the ecf-dev list before sending the first time]

Wim Jongman wrote:
Dear Technology PMC,

I have created an Eclipse based newsreader and I would like that to be
part of Eclipse. Do you think a newsreader would fit in the Technology

I was first directed to the Tools project but Tools thought it should
either be Technolgy or EFC.

Here is a link to a small movie and a screenshot of the software.

The discussion on the Tools list can be found here:

I read the discussion from the Tools list and it seems that the ECF team
should be brought into this discussion; I didn't see any input from them
(although Scott Lewis was supposedly copied at one point). I'm copying
ecf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx to this now, so hopefully they will provide their
perspective about whether or not this kind of thing would fit under the
ECF umbrella.

I'll follow-up in a separate message with specifics about the newsreader


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