September 09, 2010 |
14:03 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Project Termination Candidates |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
13:31 |
Re: [technology-pmc] DSDP restructuring document and scheduling |
Wayne Beaton |
13:20 |
[technology-pmc] Project Termination Candidates |
Wayne Beaton |
September 03, 2010 |
14:29 |
Re: [technology-pmc] DSDP restructuring document and scheduling |
Wayne Beaton |
14:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4451] PajekNetGraphGeneratorImpl |
emo-ip-team |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4452] Remus ODA Driver |
emo-ip-team |
September 02, 2010 |
15:22 |
[technology-pmc] Voice Tools Project |
Wayne Beaton |
14:46 |
[technology-pmc] Resuming the Great Project Cull of 2010 |
Wayne Beaton |
10:48 |
[technology-pmc] DSDP restructuring document and scheduling |
Wayne Beaton |
September 01, 2010 |
16:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4445] JSch Version: 0.1.41 (using Orbit CQ3040) |
emo-ip-team |
15:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4444] easymock Version: 2.4 (ATO CQ2551) (using Orbit CQ2577) |
emo-ip-team |
August 31, 2010 |
08:09 |
[technology-pmc] FW: Need EMO to look at CQ 4305 ASAP |
Mike Milinkovich |
02:14 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Nick Boldt has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Gunnar Wagenknecht |
00:00 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Nick Boldt |
portal on behalf of emo |
August 30, 2010 |
16:52 |
[technology-pmc] Need EMO to look at CQ 4305 ASAP |
Jeff Johnston |
August 26, 2010 |
04:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4440] Icon Set: FamFamFam Flags Version: n.a. |
emo-ip-team |
03:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4439] Commons IO Version: 1.4 (ATO CQ2677) (using Orbit CQ2831) |
emo-ip-team |
August 23, 2010 |
08:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4431] Typica Library version 1.6 |
emo-ip-team |
08:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4431] Typica Library version 1.6 |
emo-ip-team |
August 19, 2010 |
17:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4428] Remus |
emo-ip-team |
06:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4426] Apache Solr Core Version: 1.4 (PB CQ3973) |
emo-ip-team |
05:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4425] Lucene Core Version: 2.9.1 (using Orbit CQ3724) |
emo-ip-team |
05:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4424] FreeMarker Version: 2.3.13 (PB CQ2470) |
emo-ip-team |
05:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4423] Icon Set: Fam Fam Silk Icon Set Version 1.3 (using Orbit CQ2019) |
emo-ip-team |
05:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4422] Lucene Highlighter Version: 2.9.1 (using Orbit CQ3726) |
emo-ip-team |
05:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4421] Apache Lucene Core Version: 2.9.0 (using Orbit CQ3583) |
emo-ip-team |
August 18, 2010 |
21:33 |
Auto Reply: Auto Reply: [technology-pmc] [CQ 4419] Auto CRLF in JGit WorkingTreeIterator |
peter . krogh |
21:31 |
Auto Reply: [technology-pmc] [CQ 4419] Auto CRLF in JGit WorkingTreeIterator |
peter . krogh |
21:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4419] Auto CRLF in JGit WorkingTreeIterator |
emo-ip-team |
13:28 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Dariusz Luksza has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
13:27 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Dariusz Luksza |
portal on behalf of emo |
August 16, 2010 |
00:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4417] groovy Version: 1.7.4 |
emo-ip-team |
August 12, 2010 |
02:01 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Benjamin Muskalla has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Gunnar Wagenknecht |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Benjamin Muskalla |
portal on behalf of emo |
August 05, 2010 |
13:57 |
[technology-pmc] Project leadership changes |
Wayne Beaton |
August 04, 2010 |
14:25 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4391] nekohtml Version: 1.9.9 (using Orbit CQ2768) |
emo-ip-team |
11:46 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Navid Mehregani has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Navid Mehregani |
portal on behalf of emo |
August 03, 2010 |
10:14 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Approval for Sapphire Creation Review |
Chris Aniszczyk |
01:59 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Approval for Sapphire Creation Review |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
August 02, 2010 |
17:53 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Approval for Sapphire Creation Review |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
17:37 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Approval for Sapphire Creation Review |
Yves (Yingmin) YANG |
17:04 |
[technology-pmc] Approval for Sapphire Creation Review |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
July 30, 2010 |
17:41 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4303] SWT Transition Widget (STW) |
emo-ip-team |
July 28, 2010 |
18:30 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
July 26, 2010 |
00:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4372] ckeditor Version: 3.3.1 |
emo-ip-team |
July 21, 2010 |
16:36 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Mike Milinkovich |
15:40 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
July 19, 2010 |
16:05 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Tycho creation review requested |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
13:55 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Tycho creation review requested |
Wayne Beaton |
13:25 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Tycho creation review requested |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
10:06 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4298] U-Prove Version: V1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
July 17, 2010 |
03:44 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Tycho creation review requested |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
July 16, 2010 |
13:09 |
[technology-pmc] Re: BPEL project status |
Wayne Beaton |
12:36 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Tycho creation review requested |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
12:15 |
[technology-pmc] Tycho creation review requested |
Wayne Beaton |
00:49 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
yves . yang |
July 15, 2010 |
23:39 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
22:57 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
yves . yang |
20:45 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
July 14, 2010 |
21:01 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
yves (yingmin) yang |
01:45 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Niels Thykier has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Gunnar Wagenknecht |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Niels Thykier |
portal on behalf of emo |
July 12, 2010 |
18:27 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Ahmed Mahran has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
18:27 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Ira Fishbein has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
18:26 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Ira Fishbein |
portal on behalf of emo |
18:25 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Ahmed Mahran |
portal on behalf of emo |
July 09, 2010 |
22:49 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
22:13 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
yves . yang |
21:58 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
21:41 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
yves . yang |
10:54 |
[technology-pmc] Re: Sapphire Mentors Selected |
Anne Jacko |
July 08, 2010 |
17:23 |
[technology-pmc] Sapphire Mentors Selected |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
July 06, 2010 |
23:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4305] Glibc and Libstdc++ Documentation Version: 1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
22:49 |
[technology-pmc] Vetoed committer elections |
Wayne Beaton |
22:37 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Sandip Chitale has been vetoed by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton |
22:36 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Navid Mehregani has been vetoed by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton |
16:39 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
16:33 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Mike Milinkovich |
16:31 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
16:21 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Mike Milinkovich |
16:00 |
RE: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
15:38 |
Re: [technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Gunnar Wagenknecht |
15:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4305] Glibc and Libstdc++ Documentation Version: 1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
15:28 |
[technology-pmc] Namespace for Sapphire |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
10:21 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4287] OSGilloscope-Widget |
emo-ip-team |
10:14 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4287] OSGilloscope-Widget |
emo-ip-team |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Navid Mehregani |
portal on behalf of emo |
00:02 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Sandip Chitale |
portal on behalf of emo |
July 05, 2010 |
15:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4304] BidiLayout - Visual field supporting proper display and editing of Bidi data in visual Bidi layout |
emo-ip-team |
14:34 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4303] SWT Transition Widget (STW) |
emo-ip-team |
14:30 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4303] SWT Transition Widget (STW) |
emo-ip-team |
14:13 |
[technology-pmc] Committer vote for Wim Jongman has been approved by the PMC |
portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk |
July 01, 2010 |
00:01 |
[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Wim Jongman |
portal on behalf of emo |
June 30, 2010 |
17:07 |
[technology-pmc] Sapphire quick update |
Konstantin Komissarchik |
June 29, 2010 |
20:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4298] U-Prove Version: V1.0 |
emo-ip-team |
13:44 |
[technology-pmc] BPEL project status |
Wayne Beaton |
June 23, 2010 |
08:00 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4287] OSGilloscope-Widget |
emo-ip-team |
June 22, 2010 |
10:17 |
[technology-pmc] RE: UOMo Project |
Mike Milinkovich |
02:50 |
[technology-pmc] [CQ 4220] VE icons Version: 1.4 |
emo-ip-team |