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Re: [technology-pmc] Advice on how to request pre-req dependency for the Maven Embedder

I don't have a date (maybe Eugene knows better), but we could ask for an estimation to maven developers if that's important.

However, our mentors suggested we start processing dependencies so we can later upgrade them faster.

The first alpha is expected to be released this week [1], so it looks like the right time to start processing the embedder.

As Eugene noted, the embedder is not yet stable and dependencies might come and go, so a pre-req dependency seems to fit better than a full IP review of each of the embedder components and its dependencies.

Anyway, older embedder versions have been used by q4e (now Eclipse IAM) and m2eclipse (now Eclipse m2e). It is also used to provide maven suport in other IDEs. So even if the latest version is not top-quality yet, the dependency on older versions still applies.


El 10/12/2008, a las 16:34, Wayne Beaton escribió:

Any idea how far away the maven embedder is from a real release?


Abel Muiño wrote:
Hello PMC,

The IAM ( team would like to request pmc approval and guidance for declaring a pre-req dependency on the maven embedder.

The maven embedder is a set of libraries that allow the use of maven from a
host application (in this case, IAM).

The maven embedder is still under development (i.e. not released) so we are asking for a pre-req dependency to be able to use snapshots of current development. Our goal will be to process CQs for the embedder components once they reach the beta or release status, as adviced by the IP team.

The maven embedder is part of maven 3.0 and developed at the apache
foundation. Its dependencies are either ASL or MIT licensed.

The packaging of the embedder components as an eclipse bundle (and feature)
is currently done on a non-eclipse project at googlecode ( Another packaging is also available from the m2e
project (also outside of eclipse).


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