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May 27, 2015
05:40 Re: [technology-pmc] [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] Gunnar Wagenknecht
May 26, 2015
21:17 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] Wayne Beaton
21:15 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] Chris Aniszczyk
21:10 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] Wayne Beaton
15:42 Re: [technology-pmc] Approval request for Sapphire 9 and 8.2 releases Gunnar Wagenknecht
13:04 Re: [technology-pmc] Approval request for Sapphire 9 and 8.2 releases Chris Aniszczyk
12:52 [technology-pmc] Approval request for Sapphire 9 and 8.2 releases Konstantin Komissarchik
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9713] icu4j 52.1.1 Version: 52.1.1 (ATO CQ9141) (using Orbit CQ9143) emo-ip-team
04:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9688] Tree Grid Directive for AngularJS emo-ip-team
May 25, 2015
13:26 Re: [technology-pmc] Subversive 3.0 release review Gunnar Wagenknecht
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9711] Apache HttpComponents Client 4.3.6 Version: 4.3.6 ( PB Orbit CQ8939) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9710] Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (PB CQ1907) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9709] Apache Commons IO Version: 2.2 (ATO CQ 7395) (PB CQ8294) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9708] Apache Commons Codec Version: 1.6 (PB Orbit CQ7225) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9707] Logback Core Version: 1.0.7 (PB Orbit CQ6867) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9706] atinject (Package javax.inject) Version: 1.0 (PB Orbit CQ3578) emo-ip-team
12:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9705] Logback Classic Version: 1.0.7 (PB Orbit CQ6868) emo-ip-team
05:49 [technology-pmc] Subversive 3.0 release review Igor Vinnykov
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9704] JUnit Version: 4.12 (PB CQ9232) emo-ip-team
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9703] Lucene Spellchecker Version: 2.9.1 (PB CQ3731) emo-ip-team
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9702] Lucene Snowball Version: 2.9.1 (PB CQ3730) emo-ip-team
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9701] Lucene Queries Version: 2.9.1 (PB CQ3729) emo-ip-team
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9700] Lucene Misc Version: 2.9.1 (PB CQ3728) emo-ip-team
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9699] Lucene Memory Version: 2.9.1 (PB CQ3727) emo-ip-team
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9698] Lucene Highlighter Version: 2.9.1 (PB CQ3726) emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9697] Google-Guice Version: 4.0 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9696] Google-Guice (Servlet Extension) Version: 4.0 emo-ip-team
May 23, 2015
09:29 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] emo-ip-team
May 22, 2015
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9694] plexus-io Version: 2.6 emo-ip-team
08:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9693] plexus-archiver Version: 2.10.1 emo-ip-team
May 21, 2015
11:02 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9502] Liferay Portal Service 6.2.2 emo-ip-team
10:36 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9502] Liferay Portal Service 6.2.2 emo-ip-team
10:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9568] Javax Servlet 3.0.1 emo-ip-team
10:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9692] Apache Batik DOM Level 3 implementation library Version: 1.7.1 ( ATO CQ9681) (using Orbit CQ9682) emo-ip-team
10:27 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9502] Liferay Portal Service 6.2.2 emo-ip-team
09:38 Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Handly 0.3 Release Chris Aniszczyk
09:38 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Dawid Pakula has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk
09:37 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Alexander Kurtakov has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk
09:00 [technology-pmc] PMC Approval Requested for Handly 0.3 Release Vladimir Piskarev
06:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9690] Modeling refactoring view emo-ip-team
00:02 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Dawid Pakula portal on behalf of emo
00:02 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Alexander Kurtakov portal on behalf of emo
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9583] Jshint Maven Plugin V.1.6.0 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9581] Liferay Maven Plugin Version 6.2.2 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9568] Javax Servlet 3.0.1 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9502] Liferay Portal Service 6.2.2 emo-ip-team
May 20, 2015
15:20 Re: [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] Chris Aniszczyk
15:19 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] emo-ip-team
15:15 [technology-pmc] Fwd: [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] Wayne Beaton
13:52 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9678] Asciidoctor Version: 1.5.2 [build-only] emo-ip-team
04:47 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Alexandra Schladebeck
04:07 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Mikael Barbero has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Gunnar Wagenknecht
03:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9684] xmlpull Version: 9 (does not include API Tests) (ATO CQ1155) (using Orbit CQ5215) emo-ip-team
00:02 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Mikael Barbero portal on behalf of emo
May 19, 2015
14:48 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9285] aether-connector-okhttp Version: 0.15.0 emo-ip-team
09:56 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars: Scout 5.0 Gunnar Wagenknecht
09:42 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars: Scout 5.0 Chris Aniszczyk
09:39 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for RCPTT (2.0 Mars). Chris Aniszczyk
06:19 [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars: Scout 5.0 Matthias Zimmermann
06:13 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for RCPTT (2.0 Mars). Gunnar Wagenknecht
02:47 [technology-pmc] Release Review for RCPTT (2.0 Mars). Ulyana Skorokhodova
May 18, 2015
04:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9673] AngularJS Daterangepicker emo-ip-team
04:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9672] AngularJS Multiselect Version 4 emo-ip-team
May 13, 2015
13:13 Re: [technology-pmc] RCP Testing Tool: change of PL. Wayne Beaton
13:09 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Wayne Beaton
07:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9670] Google Guava Version: 15.0.0 (PB Orbit CQ7768) (PB CQ8316) emo-ip-team
03:10 [technology-pmc] Project Lead election for Ulyana Skorokhodova on RCP Testing Tool emo
02:58 Re: [technology-pmc] RCP Testing Tool: change of PL. Ulyana Skorokhodova
02:45 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Alexandra Schladebeck
May 12, 2015
11:45 Re: [technology-pmc] RCP Testing Tool: change of PL. Wayne Beaton
11:34 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Wayne Beaton
09:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9662] Extend EGit to allow use of git-flow emo-ip-team
02:56 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Alexandra Schladebeck
May 11, 2015
12:26 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Alexandra Schladebeck
11:52 Re: [technology-pmc] [CQ 9580] maven-compiler-plugin Version 3.2 Eric Rizzo
11:50 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Eric Rizzo
11:32 Re: [technology-pmc] [CQ 9580] maven-compiler-plugin Version 3.2 Gunnar Wagenknecht
11:08 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9580] maven-compiler-plugin Version 3.2 emo-ip-team
10:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9655] xz for Java Version: 1.3 (ATO CQ7354) (using Orbit CQ7528) emo-ip-team
09:59 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Chris Aniszczyk
09:20 Re: [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Gunnar Wagenknecht
09:15 [technology-pmc] Release Review for Mars for Jubula Alexandra Schladebeck
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9652] JUnit Version: 4.12 (using Orbit CQ9232) emo-ip-team
05:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9651] Version: libcore/+/310eafdfeb5db23a4d5e405bbe607cffd1f4b24a/json/ emo-ip-team
May 09, 2015
09:47 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Satoru Yoshida has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk
00:02 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Satoru Yoshida portal on behalf of emo
May 08, 2015
15:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9634] initial contribution of egerrit project emo-ip-team
May 07, 2015
11:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9568] Javax Servlet 3.0.1 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9583] Jshint Maven Plugin V.1.6.0 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9581] Liferay Maven Plugin Version 6.2.2 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9568] Javax Servlet 3.0.1 emo-ip-team
00:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9502] Liferay Portal Service 6.2.2 emo-ip-team
May 06, 2015
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9644] underscore JS Version 1.8.3 emo-ip-team
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9643] angular translate loader static files Version 2.7.0 emo-ip-team
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9642] Angular Translate Version 2.7.0 emo-ip-team
06:30 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9641] AngularJS MacGyver emo-ip-team
May 04, 2015
12:53 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9260] maven-core Version: 3.3.3 emo-ip-team
12:12 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9280] wagon-file Version: 2.9 emo-ip-team
12:11 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9260] maven-core Version: 3.3.3 emo-ip-team
April 30, 2015
11:00 [technology-pmc] [CQ 9625] Java Servlet API Version: 3.1 (ATO CQ7248) (using Orbit CQ7293) emo-ip-team

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