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Re: [swordfish-dev] Integrating / evaluating servicemix

Title: Re: [swordfish-dev] Integrating / evaluating servicemix

I’m a bit in a hurry now and I’d like to take some time to give you a good answer.
But as a quick statement:
Swordfish is internally based on ServiceMix 4, so the effort for integration will be roughly the same.
I would think that you should be able to get a first roundtrip example connecting to a SOAP-enabled SAP XI system
working within a few hours if you’re fairly proficient in Java and using the Eclipse platform.

Would like to share a bit more about your concrete scenario/situation?


Am 02.07.09 17:03 schrieb "Chris Jölly" unter <chris.joelly@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Hello all,
I have some questions regarding the efforts needed to integrate swordfish
into an application and how much time is needed to get the first results
when e.g. connecting swordfish via web services to an SOAP adapter of
an SAP XI system.
What I want to do is to evaluate some of this integration platforms and
compare  each other. Sure, this efforts depends on the skills of the developers
and the concrete use cases, but someone who uses swordfish could possible
give a rough figure for this efforts which is sufficient for my needs by now.

And, maybe someone has evaluated other tools like ServiceMix or Mule and
has figures for these platforms too?
thanks, Chris

Oliver Wolf
Lead Architect Runtime Platform
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