coming back to this ... not very useful ... but, since then I've also experienced some error : simulator exited with code 139 ... several runs went well without using the gui, but they failed when using the gui.
I'm using a freshly (today) cloned and rebuilt libsumo exe under ubuntu 20.04 under docker.
I'm trying the gdb ...
Le ven. 24 févr. 2023 à 17:28, Harald Schaefer <fechsaer@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Hello Sasan,
you can try to execute sumo under the control of gdb from the
gdb -ex run --args <path to your sumo> <your arguments
to sumo>
Eventually the gdb will stop and you can request with bt a
I've just moved from 1.14 to 1.16 under ubuntu 20.04
(into a docker container) and things seem OK for several
hours of simulation using TRACI PYTHON and also using
LIBSUMO, for both console and gui. I do not think I've
changed something in my PYTHON app code when upgrading.
Strange it breaks in both cases for you.
Le ven. 24 févr. 2023
à 14:48, Sasan Amini <aminissn@xxxxxxxxx>
a écrit :
Dear all,
I tried to install SUMO 1.16 on my Ubuntu (both 20.04 and
22) by using
the stable release via apt and comping from the source. In
all cases,
I am getting a segmentation fault after some simulation
seconds. I am
running sumo without gui, from inside a conda env or just
in the
terminal. I am not sure what is causing the error, but I
have the same
setup but running SUMO 1.15 and it is working just fine.
Does anyone
have any tips?