Thank you Jakob Erdmann
About remoteControl via vehicle.moveToXY, I don't see the method "moveToXY" in TraCICommandInterface::Vehicle. I attempted to write my own one:
void TraCICommandInterface::Vehicle::moveToXY(std::string edgeId,int32_t laneid,double x,double y,double angle){
uint8_t variableId = MOVE_TO_XY;
uint8_t variableType = TYPE_COMPOUND;
int32_t count = 5;
uint8_t edgeType = TYPE_STRING;
uint8_t lanidType = TYPE_INTEGER;
uint8_t postionType = TYPE_DOUBLE;
uint8_t routeType = TYPE_BYTE;
uint8_t route = 1;
TraCIBuffer buf = connection->query(CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, TraCIBuffer() << variableId << nodeId << variableType <<
count <<edgeType << edgeId << lanidType << laneid << postionType << x << postionType << y <<postionType <<
angle << routeType << route );
However when the method is called, I get an error: "Answered with error to command 0xc4: Wrong position in requestMessage after dispatching command 196. Expected command length was 60 but 58 Bytes were read."
The "vehicle.moveToXY" is in TraCI python, isn't it? If yes, would I call it from C++ program
Thank you for your time