default step-length is 1s
default action-step-length = step-length (i.e. if you only set step-length, then the action step length changes automatically unless configured differently)
regarding your calculations: I cannot be bothered to wade through all the numbers but here are hints/suggestions:
- follower minGap = 2.5 according to your table but in shows up as 0 in your last sum
- the formula for steps in brakeGapEuler rounds 'steps' to the next lowest integer
- the secureBackGap is 0 because the brakeGap of the ego vehicle (35m) is much larger than the brakeGap of the follower (18m)
- the secureFrontGap is 19m (at default tau=1 it would be 37m)
You can test all these numbers using traci (in the latest development version):
import os,sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'tools'))
import traci
traci.start(['sumo', '-n', 'net.net.xml', '--no-step-log'])
veh = 'v0'
traci.vehicle.add(veh, "")
print(traci.vehicle.getSecureGap(veh, 15, 20, 4.5))
print(traci.vehicle.getSecureGap(veh, 20, 15, 4.5))
traci.vehicle.setTau(veh, 0.1)
print(traci.vehicle.getSecureGap(veh, 20, 15, 4.5))
# compute brakeGap for vehicle (leader brakeGap is 0 at speed 0)
traci.vehicle.setTau(veh, 0.0)
print(traci.vehicle.getSecureGap(veh, 20, 0, 4.45))
print(traci.vehicle.getSecureGap(veh, 15, 0, 4.45))