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[sumo-dev] cmake, linux and install

Dear all,

here is a proposal for modified CMakeLists.txt files to allow make install.

harald@nyc> find . -name 'CMakeLists.txt'|xargs egrep -n "^install"
./CMakeLists.txt:239:install(DIRECTORY tools/ DESTINATION sumo/tools)
./src/activitygen/CMakeLists.txt:20:install(TARGETS activitygen RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/CMakeLists.txt:93:install(TARGETS sumo sumo-gui netconvert od2trips RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/dfrouter/CMakeLists.txt:28:install(TARGETS dfrouter RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/duarouter/CMakeLists.txt:12:install(TARGETS duarouter RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/jtrrouter/CMakeLists.txt:18:install(TARGETS jtrrouter RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/marouter/CMakeLists.txt:18:install(TARGETS marouter RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/netedit/CMakeLists.txt:36:install(TARGETS netedit RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/netgen/CMakeLists.txt:18:install(TARGETS netgenerate RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/polyconvert/CMakeLists.txt:31:install(TARGETS polyconvert RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/tools/CMakeLists.txt:14:install(TARGETS emissionsDrivingCycle emissionsMap RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) ./src/traci_testclient/CMakeLists.txt:10:install(TARGETS TraCITestClient RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)

You might think about installing also the doc dir or the man pages.

With this changes the 3 commands to build SUMO are

cmake ../..


sudo make install

The rational for installing on Linux is for me:

The source tarball comes in directories with names like sumo-svn, sumo-git, sumo_master or sumo_0.32.0.

Using the install features all sumo runtime files are always in the same directory, so I do not have to adopt SUMO_HOME or PATH variables and I know: I'm using the version, I installed last.

Greetings Harald

Attachment: modifiedCMAkeLists.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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