Thank you very much. It is a wonderful
idea and I've applied your patch with a few light changes:
- debug output is removed
- a diff() call does not report folders, while they're reported by
diffStatus(), so a folders' status should not be validated against
the patch content.
Best regards,
Alexander Gurov,
Subversive Team.
15.11.2016 19:31, Florent Angebault пишет:
Le 04/11/2016 à 09:10, Florent Angebault a écrit :
Le 02/11/2016 à 14:25, Alexander Gurov a écrit :
- is shown as an incoming deletion while it should not
shown at all because there is no difference (this is bug [326694]
but this time without common ancestry)
- is shown as an incoming deletion while it
should be shown as an incoming change or a conflict
I did many tests to find out how to remove false positive (files with no
differences). It seems that the available API do not provide a simple
way to discard files with same content. The only solution I could find
is to actually perform a real diff (with ISVNConnector#diffTwo()) and
parse the output to catch the names of files that are really different.
Here is the (dirty) patch that solves both problems mentionned above.
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Best regards,
Alexander Gurov,
Subversive Team.