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[stem-dev] Agenda for STEM Community Call on April 7, 2016

If you would like to join in the call, please contact me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx. You are, as always welcome.

The agenda appears below.


Agenda for the STEM Community Call

9 am Pacific Time, Thursday, April 7, 2016


1. STEM Milestone build 3.0.2, aka Java 8/Eclipse 4 build

*Updated metadata and website

*Stress test of current version

*Scheduled June date for update of 3.0.2

2. Feature requests

*Evolving disease model to address genome (Jamie)

*Extended shape file capabilities using a Pajek file (Jamie/Chris)

*Progress with travel model, travel restrictions and interventions (Nereyda)


3. Updates

*Zika (Kun)

*Followup on STEM workshop with Roslyn and Raymond (Kun)

*ISCB Fight against Ebola (Simone/Kun)

4. Bugs
*Bug 465981: Kamesh’s problem with dengue model

*New bug: Running headless. Matt to do workaround

*New bug [#465981?]: Batch experiment failing when adding decorator


5. Items from participants


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